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Real-World Examples of Using MotoPress WordPress Demo Builder Plugin

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If you create plugins and themes for WordPress, you can’t be performing well enough without demo. No demo, no sales. Modern customers want to be provided with a higher-touch sales process. That is, to see and shape the product to their needs, get the value of your products from the firsthand experience.

You can get by with just a video and text presentation, but, well, only if you are okay with pulling up the rear. Put simply, traditional ways to present a product is not the best way to move sales forward on the overcrowded WordPress market.

So, if you are in a client-facing role and want to add some winning features to your product presentation, consider creating an appealing frontend demo. If you want to go even further, give prospects a chance to test-drive your plugins and themes on the backend. Too time-consuming? Too risky? Not at all.

The good news is, even on-budget WordPress developers can also rock the market with a standout demo, without a need to create an in-house solution. Using MotoPress Demo Builder plugin, you can go about all the process much easier, with one WordPress demo plugin and your custom settings.

Let’s stress it one more time: for prospects, free trial is the most easily digestible way to learn how your product operates. For you, it’s a real chance to take a far more productive path in marketing and product development.

Okay, these are quite shallow pros. But what are some other key benefits of the WordPress plugin or theme demo?

Using MotoPress Demo Builder plugin for building demos of our own WordPress plugins and themes, we’ve discovered the following benefits:

  • More transparency in relationship with your prospective customers. You don’t hide anything, you give people freedom to shape the product to their particular needs on the pre-purchase stage. People really appreciate such attitude.
  • A free trial is risk-free (you don’t ask for any credit card info beforehand), so prospects are usually eager to try it out.
  • Offload your support tasks a bit. People who don’t really need your product will cause you less headache on the demo testing stage.
  • Even if your WordPress plugin or theme doesn’t fully meet user needs after a brief test-run, you can still later reach them by pointing out to your other products thanks to email marketing! When registering a demo sandbox, a valid email address is required, so you can easily collect addresses and add them to your MailChimp lists. Do you like the feeling of killing two birds with one stone? Free trial is a decent incentive to test the product for prospects and, at the same time, a perfect lead magnet to skyrocket your email list growth.
  • Follow up prospects easier via email offering help and making them share their valuable feedback (a fantastic help in improving your product).
  • Surprisingly, difficult clients vanish by themselves. They don’t have a reason for claims that the product is not as good as advertised. They have full freedom to test out each setting before paying you any money.
  • And, the most win-win feature, you present yourself as a competitive market player. For many WordPress plugin and theme providers a demo/trial is already a sort of commodity. It means, many prospects already consider demo/trial a must to get a better sense of a digital WordPress product.

We were pleasantly surprised to see how many awesome people use MotoPress WordPress Demo Builder plugin to demo the variety of plugins and themes. This is the only WordPress demo site plugin you need.

Let’s get down to some real-world examples of using MotoPress Demo Builder plugin by WordPress solutions providers.

mailoptin service


MailOptin Demo

A popular WordPress plugin for creating functional opt-in forms and growing your emailing list.

scrapes auto crawler wordpress plugin


Scrapes demo

Scrapes is a popular automatic web content crawler and auto post plugin for WordPress

fancy product designer for wordpress


Fancy demo

A full-blown product designer for different platforms, including WordPress.

store location wp plugin

Store Locator Plus

Store Locator Plus

A better management for your business locations.


Long Watch Studio

WooRewards Demo

Although there are more plugins coming soon, you can now test the on-demand WooRewards plugin by Long Watch Studio, which is a helpful extension for WooCommerce that deals with loyalty points and rewards.

WPTF wordpress framework

WPTF WordPress Framework


A feature-rich and powerful framework for building all range of WordPress websites.

demo getbowited


One of the coolest ThemeForest elite authors that offers a diversity of impressive themes.


The MatthiasWeb

TheMatthiasWeb Demo

These fine folks help users easier manage their WordPress websites with tiny helpful plugins like WordPress Media manager.

real-world examples of motopress demo builder plugin


Booking Plugin Demo

Creators and users of this cool WordPress Demo Builder plugin. And lots of other awesome plugins and themes!

Interview with Matthias about the WordPress demo creator plugin by MotoPress

To get you even more inspired, we conducted a short interview with Matthias, one of our customers who runs the DevOwl website powered up by the MotoPress Demo Builder plugin for WordPress.

How much time did it take to create a demo for your WordPress plugins and themes with the MotoPress Demo Builder plugin?

First of all I want to mention that I have searched a long time to find such a good solution for sandboxing WordPress plugins. Before MotoPress’ solution I tried two other solutions – both offered on CodeCanyon. Unfortunately, both did not provide this functionality MotoPress Demo Builder provides.

Believe it or not, the MotoPress Demo Builder was set-up under two hours inclusive the WordPress multisite installation and configuration – the documentation is clean and easy to understand. Afterwards I prepared the demo content and unlocked the register formula.

Does the plugin help you convert demo users into buyers? Have you noticed any increase in income after you started using the Demo Builder plugin?

Every time a new users registers to my sandbox site the user can try my plugins with a predefined media library with folders, uploads, posts and pages, custom post types and WooCommerce. This is the best thing for a future customer – the user is completely free to try out the plugins without any hassle and without paying anything. So, the answer is: Yes, I think the sandboxing environment of MotoPress helps a lot to increase the customers interest and sales.

Do you have any advice for other WordPress developers on how to optimize your work with the Demo Builder plugin?

The only optimization I did for the Demo Builder plugin was a custom dashboard page – I call it “Welcome page”. The new sandbox user gets a list of installed premium plugins and direct link to the admin page where he can test the functionality.

motopress demo builder


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Final thoughts

A product demo is a sort of a magic automation tool to make your sales and support teams happy, better market your WordPress products than just using a video presentation and establish your business credibility.

We believe MotoPress WordPress Demo Builder is the only full-fledged Ninja Demo alternative currently available on the WordPress market. MotoPress guys successfully use it for several years already and can recommend for anyone doing WordPress business. When the time and budget is of the essence, WordPress Demo Builder is the easiest way to go and never lose a deal.

Do you use the builder for your plugins and themes and want to be listed in this post? Contact us to learn more about the WordPress demo creator!

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