Allow Clients to Pay a Deposit since Appointment Booking 1.14.0

The latest version 1.14.0 of the MotoPress Appointment Booking plugin for WordPress enables you to set deposit payments for individual services. This means you can offer clients to pay just part of the full service price at checkout. This option aims to deliver more convenience to the payment experiences of your clients, urge them to…

Add a Percentage Fee to the Accommodation Cost since Hotel Booking 4.4.2

In this quick MotoPress Hotel Booking plugin update post, we’re looking at the new feature we’ve added since version 4.4.2. It’s the new fee type in the percentage value, which you can set to be applied to the calculated accommodation rental cost. You can find it via Bookings > Taxes & fees menu > Fees…

Send Appointment Reminders Automatically since Version 1.13.0

The latest Appointment Booking WordPress plugin version 1.13.0 delivers one significant improvement to the plugin’s management toolkit, the Notifications menu. With the toolset provided by this new menu option, you can create various types of email notifications and designate the time when they must be sent automatically and under what conditions. For instance, you can…

Meet the File Upload Option for the Checkout Fields Addon

In this post, we’ll tell you in detail about the new field type we’ve added to the Hotel Booking Checkout Fields addon, version 1.0.5. It’s File Upload, which allows you to enable customers to add media files, such as ID photos, on the checkout page along with other details, right before submitting their reservation. What…

Meet WooCommerce Integration for MotoPress Appointment Booking!

The MotoPress Appointment Booking plugin for WordPress can now be easily integrated with WooCommerce! To help you have access to 80+ global payment gateways in your service booking widget, you can get the Appointment Booking WooCommerce Payments addon and use it with your MotoPress WordPress scheduler plugin together, without a need to install any extra…

Meet Discount Coupons since Appointment Booking 1.11.0

Since the MotoPress Appointment Booking plugin 1.11.0, you can easily create discount coupon codes individually for your customers or for public marketing activities. If you are not on Appointment Booking yet and just looking for online booking system with coupon code, don’t miss out! Hopefully, it will help you develop a digital marketing strategy for…