Anna Chupryna

Content Creator

Anna is a passionate digital expert in WordPress, marketing, and outreach. She's been working with the WordPress community for several years, never tiring to share her knowledge on this blog.

Contribution Topics: WordPress themes | WordPress plugins | WordPress tutorials

Social Networks: Facebook

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Top 31 Magazine WordPress Themes for 2024

Today we observe a great variety of choices in the sphere of Magazine WordPress Themes depending on personal requirements and the special purpose of a future news resource. When you start searching for the best WordPress theme for a magazine, your browser will show an enormous amount of results. How can you choose one out…

Best Portfolio Website Templates – Free and Premium

If you aim at presenting yourself as a professional, no matter what kind of business you have, whether it is a company, or freelance, the most professional way to show your work experience is to demonstrate your neat and stylish portfolio website. Examples speak louder than words, so we have gathered top portfolio website templates…

WordPress Gutenberg Themes Built with Getwid

The moment Gutenberg was released divided all WordPress users into two camps – those who accepted it and those who rejected it after the first try. Nowadays, the borders between both these camps become vaguer as all even the most committed TinyMCE users start using Gutenberg templates for their projects. What has caused such a…

How to Use Gutenberg: Quick Guide on New WordPress Block Editor

Right after the WordPress 5.0 release, there was a rather big uncertainty as to how to use this new Gutenberg WordPress editor. How to work with a revolutionary interface, how to use Gutenberg and start handling blocks as a fundamental element of a website? In our WordPress block editor tutorial, we will clarify all the…

How to Start Your Own Blog on Gutenberg WordPress

How to start a blog? This is probably the easiest thing to do if you have simple and clear instructions to follow. Currently, on the web, the amount of blog websites is probably the biggest, since users have all the tools at hand, the only thing they need is a wish. The setting up process…

WordPress Groups in Facebook you Should Follow in 2023

Every person who learns and discovers WordPress is looking for credible and trusted resources where to get the information. In this search process, they go far beyond blogs and simple WordPress groups discussions. Facebook, in these terms, is a new alternative information source with over 2,320 billion users, from which 1,5 billion use it daily!

How to use MailChimp and WordPress: Quick and Ultimate Guide

Regardless of the activity, you conduct here, on the Internet, the constant communication with your audience and truthful feedback from it are two key factors to have credible relations with customers. To stay on track, there are multiple WordPress Mailchimp plugins, with the help of which you may effortlessly get in touch with subscribers, notify…

Booklium Property Management WordPress Theme: 5+ Pre-Made Layouts

We are honored to introduce our brand-new WordPress Property Management WordPress theme built with Gutenberg – Booklium. Most likely you already know that we have a rather big collection of WordPress reservation templates for various accommodations. We put lots of dedicated work and strength into each template of ours and Booklium is the most vivid…

How to Build a Small Business Website with WordPress

Communication, sales, purchasing, business even negotiations are conducted with the help of the Internet, it has conquered our lives and we significantly depend on it. If you are a modern entrepreneur and do not have a website for the business, it is high time you start creating it and this article will be definitely of…

Real-life Websites Built with MotoPress WordPress Hotel Booking Plugin & Divi Builder

Not long ago we’ve launched our MotoPress Hotel Booking & Divi integration addon which is very successful and popular with our customers. This addon unlocks all standard Divi Builder styling options (color picking, font adjustment, borders customization etc.) and in combo, with MotoPress Hotel Booking property system gives your website all the needed functions and…