Appointment Booking Plugin 1.2.0: Customize Booking Widget & More

The WordPress Appointment Booking plugin by MotoPress version 1.2.0 is out! It’s a huge update that gives you more flexibility as to the booking form customization and page design options based on the staff member, services, and other content you add to the plugin. We’ve added a number of shortcodes that will help you perform…

Appointment Booking Plugin 1.1.0: Meet Automated Email Notifications

The work on the MotoPress Appointment Booking plugin is in full swing. We keep actively developing new features to make the plugin meet industry standards of the best WordPress appointment plugins as soon as possible. In this version 1.1.0 WordPress Appointment Booking plugin update post, we’re taking a closer look at the new features which…

The Getwid Plugin Support for MotoPress Themes: Build Better in Gutenberg

We are happy to announce that we did a huge work of optimizing different MotoPress themes for the Gutenberg editor. In particular, we added 40+ free content blocks and 35+ design templates to a range of free and premium WordPress themes with the help of the Getwid plugin! Check out the post to see whether…

Update to Hotel Booking 3.8.0 to Modify Original Bookings!

A long-anticipated update is here! The latest WordPress plugin for hotel booking plugin version 3.8.0 allows you to change original customer data collected at checkout or added by the admin manually to the dashboard, thus easily modify hotel bookings. For example, now you can change arrival/departure dates, rooms, services, the number of guests, rates, and…

How to Disable the “Confirm Reservation” Button in Hotel Booking

The work on the Hotel Booking WordPress plugin is in full swing. In the two latest versions, we made a primary focus on fixing existing issues so that we can move forward with a better core. Furthermore, the plugin now allows you to optionally turn on the immediate guest redirection to the checkout page, without…

Getwid Updates: Better Content Alignment Options & Improved UI

In this post, we’re going to overview the development progress of Getwid Gutenberg Blocks, version 1.5.0. We are trying to embrace the anatomy of the new WordPress editor further and are happy to introduce Gutenberg content alignment and sizing in Getwid enhancements you’ll definitely love: The fresh user interface for some blocks will help you…

How to Make Number of Adults & Children Flexible in Hotel Booking Plugin

Since WordPress booking hotel plugin version 3.7.2, you can make the number of adults and children change dynamically based on the guest’s search parameters and keep the tiered pricing set via Rates. For example, in the previous version, if the accommodation capacity was two adults and one child, the room wouldn’t appear eligible for a…