These notifications are sent to the website administrator’s address (find it via WordPress dashboard → Settings → General → Administrator email address).
- New Booking (Confirmed Automatically) Email – if the default booking status is confirmed, you’ll receive emails on each new confirmed booking.
- New Booking Request (Confirmation by Admin) Email is sent to your admin email address when you need to go through all received bookings manually (that is, change the booking status manually).
- New Booking (Confirmation upon Payment) Email is sent when a client chooses any of the payment methods when submitting a booking. Note that using payment tags, you can add the information to your email on how much the client paid and the sum left to pay.
- Canceled Booking Emails is sent to the admin when the client cancels their booking.
You can customize the content of these emails, subject and header, change macros, and optionally add multiple extra recipients who’ll get the same emails (for example, your employees). Here is an example of the admin email: