
Top-Ranked WordPress Plugins For Business

The world is in the process of digitization, and now every business is interested in having a website to be connected with customers worldwide. If your business needs a creative and successful website, then your choice is WordPress. Here you can find WordPress plugins for business that will help you to gain profit.

To develop a website, you should take into account many details. WordPress offers multiple options you can choose from depending on the business purpose and field. We’ve handpicked free and premium solutions that cover different business needs.

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How to Build a WordPress Service Website

If you operate a beauty salon, equipment repairing shop, provide consulting services, or are in any other service-based business, you most likely know that you need to build your own website to grow your clientele. Because… People are used to searching for local businesses online!

How to build a website with WordPress? How to create a service website? What do your prospects want to find out on your services website? What information do they want to be instantly clear and visible? In general, the list of essentials is as follows:

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Apply Custom Filters to Post Blocks since Getwid Plugin 1.7.1

The focal point of the Getwid 1.7.1 update is Custom Field Filter added to the Custom post type, Post slider, and Post carousel blocks. It allows you to apply advanced custom filtering to the posts displayed on the site.

You can find this new instrument in the Sorting and Filtering section of the block customization panel: Content Settings > Sorting & filtering.

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Customize Service Capacity & More since Appointment Booking Plugin 1.3.1

Since version 1.3.1 of the Appointment scheduling software for WordPress, you can further customize service settings. The newest update focuses on extending the service capacity options to enable a customer to book an appointment for a group of people at one go.

To test out the revamped menu, go to Services in your MotoPress Appointment Booking plugin.

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Display Taxes & Fees in the Property Rate since Hotel Booking 3.9.8

Since the MotoPress Hotel Booking plugin for WordPress version 3.9.8, you can opt for displaying the property rate on the website with the tax and fee charges included.

Given the variety of legal rules across countries as well as your preferences, we now give you more control over how you can inform your prospects about tax and fee charges included into the base property rate.

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How to Add Appointment Booking Widget to WordPress Website

How to add an appointment booking widget to WordPress? If you think of a beauty salon, clinic, or any other service business that takes hourly appointments, in this guide we’ll tell you how to set appointments on autopilot on your WordPress site. The MotoPress Appointment Booking plugin for WP will help us embed a booking widget to any website with any WP page builder.

This plugin is crafted by MotoPress, a team that made its name thanks to the successful Hotel Booking plugin that powers hundreds of websites on the net and helps property owners manage their rental businesses online and receive reservations.

That means you are in good hands when it comes to booking widgets, in particular, plugins!

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Meet Getwid ACF Integration since Version 1.6.12

If you’re using the ACF plugin on your WordPress site powered by Getwid, we have great news about the integration of the two!

Since Getwid version 1.6.12, you can use custom ACF meta fields in displaying your custom post types via the Getwid blocks for WordPress.

What is ACF? For those of you who are not aware of this awesome plugin, let’s give you a brief description.

The Advanced Custom Fields plugin for WordPress (ACF) allows you to add custom value fields (e.g. an image, date, text, email, password, etc.) to any posts, users, media and other regular WordPress taxonomy terms. In simple terms, it helps you extend and personalize defaults sourced by WordPress itself or any third-party plugins you might use.

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How to Create a Hair Salon Website with WordPress

Building a hair salon website with WordPress requires in general only two core things: an appointment booking plugin (the booking engine) and a template (design). Of course, if you have already dealt with the hosting and website installation parts.

It also might be the case that you don’t need to accept automated appointment bookings so that you can simply skip installing this functionality.

But it’s always more forward-looking to choose a solution with any sort of booking functionality already integrated since you never know when you might need one (or your clients ask you for a more user-friendly and easy way to order a hairstyle on the Internet!)

In this post, we’ll describe the average process of creating a hair salon website that accepts appointment reservations. For the purpose of this particular guide, we assume you have already installed WordPress and can get the idea of this guide.

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Roundup of 10+ Best Booking Plugins for WordPress

I’m sure we can help you find the best reservation plugin for WordPress with the next roundup. Not a silver bullet, for sure, but the best booking plugin for your particular business – definitely.

We’ll divide all of them into three main categories: accommodation booking, appointment booking, and event booking plugins since there is a fundamental difference between all these solutions but still they share the features within the category they belong to.

All of them are sharpened for different industries, e.g. property booking solutions handle reservations per night while appointment-related tools deal with hourly bookings and, finally, none of them ships with the event-related options like event booking plugins have to offer.

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Build a WordPress Clothing Store Site with Laveri & WooCommerce

How to build a WordPress clothing store site? It might seem really daunting to build an online store website, especially when you’re just getting started.

But from our experience, it doesn’t take that huge time, effort, and money resource if you are on WordPress.

In this post, we’ll take a closer look at our brand-new fashion store WordPress theme, Laveri. We’ll try to highlight its main functionality and design features of this template to help you see whether it’s something you are looking to use for your online presence as a clothing store site.

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