
Best Winery WordPress Themes & Website Templates 2023

Being advocates of beautiful designs and great website functionality, we try to keep our readers updated on the best WordPress themes & templates. Our goal for this selection was to find the best wine theme, which offers the easiest customization, universal layouts, and WooCommerce features on top.

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20+ Best WordPress Food Blog Themes for Culinary Websites

As much as we love food and culinary recipes, we enjoy high-quality WordPress templates. For today’s selection, we prepared 20+ best WordPress food blog themes with powerful functionality and high ratings. Our collection consists of both premium and free solutions, which does not limit anyone from choosing the most suitable option.

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Top Free WordPress Timeline Plugins for Elementor & the Block Editor

WordPress timeline plugins are a great way to showcase your development journey in chronological order, no matter whether you are a designer or teacher. Some other common scenarios for using timelines include:

  • Roadmap
  • The stages of a project
  • Company/brand history
  • Resume/work experience
  • Guides

There are a few awesome solutions on the WordPress market you can use for free to create a timeline page; they give you some key tools for creating a simple event timeline.

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25 Best WordPress Themes for Small Business

There exists a direct connection between the success of your small business and the online presence of your brand. Do not miss out on the opportunity to increase sales through visitors searching for your product or service online. Depending on what you sell, WordPress small business templates will help you present, describe the product/service, and then, urge for a purchase.

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Appointment Booking Plugin 1.2.0: Customize Booking Widget & More

The WordPress Appointment Booking plugin by MotoPress version 1.2.0 is out!

It’s a huge update that gives you more flexibility as to the booking form customization and page design options based on the staff member, services, and other content you add to the plugin. We’ve added a number of shortcodes that will help you perform these tasks.

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Image Hotspot WordPress Plugins for the Block Editor, Elementor & WPBakery

Image hotspot WordPress plugins are a fantastic tool to create jaw-dropping presentations for rental properties, event halls, and even the items of your daily routines.

An image hotspot allows you to place an overlay of hotspots on images and graphics – thus, make them more engaging and informative.

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Meet Elementor Timetable Widget for the Event Schedule Plugin

If you’ve been using our free Timetable & Event Schedule plugin for WordPress for quite some time now, we have awesome news for those of you on Elementor! Since version 2.3.15, you can add a timetable to your site and control its look via the visual Elementor interface. We’ve added a dedicated Elementor timetable widget that eliminates the need to use shortcodes.

To get access to the widget, you need to have both plugins installed and activated: Elementor and Timetable & Event Schedule.

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Spectra (former UAG) vs. Getwid WordPress Blocks

Spectra (formerly known as Ultimate Addons for Gutenberg) or Getwid? Which Gutenberg addon deserves to become your go-to solution in your WordPress site building routine? Both WordPress block addons are free, so you can take any for a spin.

Although the Ultimate Addons for Gutenberg plugin installations outperform those of Getwid by ten times so far, both plugins are very popular with users and hold an approval rating in the vast majority of reviews.

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Getwid Blocks: Anchor Gutenberg Block

The Anchor Gutenberg block by Getwid WordPress blocks allows you to create anchor links for performing quick jumps from one part of the page to another (internal links).

The core Heading Gutenberg block also allows you to create anchors in WordPress, but it works for heading destinations only.

The Anchor block by Getwid is, however, more flexible – it can help you place anchors next to any content element (galleries, sliders, banners, etc.), not limiting you to just headings. That is, you can link one button to another button, etc.

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