Restrict or Grant Access to Your Hotel Site since Hotel Booking 4.0.0
The latest MotoPress Hotel Booking version 4.0.0. (or greater) allows you to give someone permission to manage your hotel site or view bookings without a need to grant people admin privileges.
That means you can now easily grant rights or restrict access to specific Hotel Booking menus and features as well as Hotel Booking addons menus for your rental property staff, thus improving an overall workflow and communication in your team.
WordPress by default offers six pre-defined user roles: Super Admin, Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, and Subscriber. Each of them is assigned permissions called Capabilities.
Hotel Booking Hotel Booking + ALL Addons Bundle
In addition to the default WP capabilities, Hotel Booking 4.0.0 or greater adds two custom user roles (Hotel Manager and Hotel Worker) and a few more custom capabilities for these roles.
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