Gutenberg Integration: 35+ Popular Gutenberg-compatible WordPress Plugins

Despite (and along with) all twists, conspiracy theories, and controversies, WordPress 5.0 was definitely the biggest update ever. As a WordPress user, you probably already try to compose content with Gutenberg or, on contrary, remain in the good old Classic editor. The interesting fact is that currently you are not forced to choose only one…

18+ WordPress Scheduling Plugins For Timetables & Appointments

Online presence is one of the key factors of business success in today’s digital era. Moreover, the majority of customers often check the online reputation of the business before making an actual purchase or visiting the company’s office. Enabling your website users not only to gain general info on your company but to also obtain…

AMP for WordPress Plugin Review: Dominant Technology for Mobile-first Web

Using a pontifical tone of narrators at the school conferences, I should proclaim: your visibility in Google’s mobile search results, click-trough rates, user engagement and conversions hugely depend on AMP. If you are new to the term, it’s an acronym for Accelerated Mobile Pages project – a Google’s initiative for mobile-first web. In plain words,…

MotoPress Hotel Booking & Divi Theme Integration: Download Free Add-on

If you belong to the ‘Divi Nation’ and plan to implement the booking hotel plugin WordPress system by MotoPress, we’ve got awesome news for you! MotoPress devs found the way to simplify the Divi theme customization process with regard to content generated by the Hotel Booking plugin. All you need to do to make your…

Best Plugins to Add Click-to-Tweet Boxes to WordPress

The use of Twitter as a part of your website’s social media marketing strategy is an eminent concept. You might already have added Twitter and other social media sharing buttons to your website, but have you heard of a magical service called “Click to tweet”? If so, do you know the best WordPress plugins to…

MotoPress Restaurant Menu Review: Free WordPress Menu Plugin

The use of technology in a restaurant operation provides a competitive advantage and can help you maintain better profitability. If you’ve already successfully invested in gizmos and apps like mobile ordering systems for waiters, KDS, or the like, you should not forget about the online presence of your restaurant website. Customer expectations continue to rise…

Real-World Examples of Using MotoPress WordPress Demo Builder Plugin

If you create plugins and themes for WordPress, you can’t be performing well enough without demo. No demo, no sales. Modern customers want to be provided with a higher-touch sales process. That is, to see and shape the product to their needs, get the value of your products from the firsthand experience. You can get…

MotoPress Hotel Booking & Elementor Integration: Meet New Add-on

We really care about our clients and respect their choice, so for those who have already built their hotel or vacation rental WordPress website with Elementor, we’ve released the new MotoPress extension – Hotel Booking & Elementor Integration. With this MotoPress Elementor addon, you can create all necessary pages of your website visually, without a…

Testing MotoPress Hotel Booking Plugin with The Gutenberg Editor

Gutenberg project is the name of the new state-of-the-art WordPress editing experience. Sooner or later, you’ll give Gutenberg a try, while WordPress developers will need to adapt their products to it. A new block-based editor is not official yet, but some prior compatibility themes and plugins testing are a great way to check how smooth…