How to Create WordPress Call to Action Button

When speaking about website buttons in general, we usually must think in terms of the content building tool you use. That will take us to customization options for the website in general and for buttons in particular. For instance, in WordPress, the default block editor (aka Gutenberg) capabilities for buttons are quite decent so that…

How to Add a Button in WordPress With or Without Shortcodes?

How to add a button in WordPress if you are not a pro developer? In this post, we’ll show you 4 options to add buttons to WordPress sites using different solutions. But first, let’s find out why Word Press buttons are must-haves for websites of any type. How Do WordPress Buttons Change The Game? Buttons…

How to Add Google Map to Website (Elementor & Gutenberg)?

Despite the urge of many businesses to remain entirely online-based, it still matters to have a physical location. That’s why we recommend our readers learn how to add Google Map to website on WordPress, particularly Elementor & Gutenberg. Our next tutorial is useful for both professional developers and WordPress beginners. We’ll teach you 2 most…

How To Create a Beachbody Coach Website on WordPress

If you are running a sports center, yoga studio or work as a fitness consultant, we’ve prepared this tutorial for you. In particular, we’ll tell you how to build a website in WordPress with a dedicated template. In result, you’ll be able to create a beachbody coach website with a stunning design and the appointment…

MotoPress Demo Builder for WordPress Products – How to Make a Plugin or Theme Demo

As WordPress theme and plugin developers, we were once faced with the task of creating demos for our products here at MotoPress. Luckily, inspired by the currently discontinued NinjaDemo solution, we solved that task by creating a dedicated plugin that makes the process really easy and helps set up any demo in button clicks, using…

How to Add Animation to Website with One Elementor Widget?

Website animation is referred to as the most popular design trend in digital design. For this particular reason, many WordPress users are eager to learn a quick way how to add animation to a website. If you are working with Elementor and searching for the same solution, continue reading this post. But in this tutorial,…

How to Add & Edit the Elementor Content Switcher Widget?

WordPress users are always looking for new ways to optimize site space without sacrificing its content. As often as you use sliders, accordions, or tabs widgets, you may neglect other elements like content switcher. That’s why we’re devoting this post to an Elementor content switcher – one of the easiest interactive elements for your WordPress…

Which is the Top Choice Online Booking System for Massage Therapist on WordPress?

If you’re looking to integrate an online booking system for massage therapist and other body treatments on your WordPress website, we’d recommend starting with choosing the appointment booking plugin. We researched the market and introduced a few decent solutions before, you can find them in the roundups of free and premium appointment plugins. Those are…