Hotel Booking Event-Driven Emails

Home > WordPress Hotel Booking Plugins & Elementor Addons > Hotel Booking Notifier – Event-Driven Emails
This extension allows you to create common event-driven emails/notifications, such as key pick-up instructions or house rules, before and after arrival/departure. Upsell services or offer property upgrade options by sending relevant pre-arrival emails. Ask for property reviews to get social proof in a certain number of days after check-out. Send any other type of automated relevant emails to drive ancillary revenue. Less work for a manager, a receptionist or a housekeeper.

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Product is subject to a yearly license for support and automatic updates.

Hotel Booking Notifier – Event-Driven Emails Highlights

Automated Arrival and Departure Event-driven EmailsAutomated Arrival/Departure Event-driven Emails

Automatically send pre-arrival emails (7 days before check-in, 1 day before check-in, or any other custom period) to notify guests about the keys, door codes, lockboxes, dining facilities, or whatever you need clients to be aware of.

Send automated emails in a certain time frame after departure to collect feedback, thank customers, offer discounts, or send any other notifications and requests.

Unique Accommodation Type-based NotificationsUnique Accommodation Type-based Notifications

One vacation rental runs on the self-service check-in while another requires interaction with a housekeeper? Different services are available for different rooms in a hotel? No problem, personalize automatic emails based on the accommodation types! Add custom information specific to each accommodation and be sure that the guest will receive the right email at the right moment.

Moreover, you can optionally include any custom property information to all other types of emails available in the MotoPress Hotel Booking plugin.

Common Notifications for All BookingsCommon Notifications for All Bookings

Are there things that are the same for all accommodation types? Send unlimited accommodation-independent extra notifications for each and every booking before or after the check-in/check-out date! Promote your breakfast options, local attractions, send a “thank you” or “we miss you” letter, ask to leave a review, etc.

You don’t need to send emails on a day-to-day basis anymore – set targeted emails on autopilot.

Guest, Admin and Custom Email RecipientsGuest, Admin, and Custom Email Recipients

You can send the same email notifications to the guest, website administrator, and even a list of custom email addresses. Or you can opt for sending custom alerts selectively to any of these recipients.

For example, you can send the same welcome email to all guests who confirmed a booking. Or perhaps you want only a housekeeper to get a notification on each new reservation? Then you just need to create a dedicated email template, set the custom recipient’s email address, and designate when the message must be sent (e.g. 1 day before the guest’s arrival).

Fully Customizable Templates for Automated EmailsFully Customizable Templates for Automated Emails

You can create and customize email templates with numerous macros for each notification. You’ll have two email macros for custom notices for each accommodation type.

While you can have just one email template for each specific type of notification, macros get replaced with your custom information specific to each booked property. You don’t need to go about emails for every property from scratch!

You can easily test how the email notifications work right from the admin dashboard.
There is also an advanced option to automatically subscribe users to your Mailchimp lists via Hotel Booking and Mailchimp Integration Addon.

How the Notifier Event-driven Emails add-on worksHow the Notifier Event-driven Emails add-on works

  1. Add a new notification (e.g. house rules emails).
  2. Set a trigger for driving this notification: designate in how many days before/after the check-in/check-out date your event-driven emails must be sent.
  3. Select the recipients: email addresses of guests who have a confirmed reservation, the website admin, or some custom emails. There can be multiple recipient types.
  4. Create a custom email template dedicated to the notification type. Use Accommodation Notice 1/Accommodation Notice 2 macros if you need macros to be replaced with custom property information. Save your notification.
  5. Go to the needed Accommodation type, find the Accommodation Notice 1/Accommodation Notice 2 fields and fill them in with custom information.
    Note: if you leave these fields empty and have an arrival/departure-driven email that uses any of the macros (Accommodation Notice 1/Accommodation Notice 2), the guest will still receive the email but with empty strings.
  6. Test your email notification.

Read How does the Notifier Automated Emails add-on work?

More WordPress Hotel Booking Addons

We offer a few more addons that will turn your HB plugin into an even more advanced customer-driven tool for managing bookings. The list of the Hotel Booking addons includes:

  • Hotel Booking WooCommerce Payments – the extension offers an extended choice of payment gateways to provide more vivid payment options for the bookers;
  • Hotel Booking Payment Request – because you are hardly capable of controlling all the payments coming from the hotel booking website, you can use this addon to automate this process and set up a convenient tracking system of incoming payments;
  • Hotel Booking Reviews – lets your potential guests learn what former customers like about your accommodation based on separate criteria;
  • HB Mailchimp Integration – takes care of users’ automatic subscriptions to your website targeted emails as they make their reservations;
  • Hotel Booking Checkout Fields – this extension will serve its purpose in a situation when you are not 100% satisfied with the checkout form, so you want to add or extend the extended fields.

MotoPress offers free Hotel Booking & Elementor Integration and Hotel Booking & Divi Integration addons for all Elementor or Divi users to enjoy the plugin customization through their favorite page builders.


Average rating: 3.3 out of 5 stars
3 reviews
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2 stars
1 star
the plugin does not work in the correct way 2/ 5stars

It is a nice plugin, but The person who booked the room will not receive any mail … the plugin does not work in the correct way

He can't do much. 3/ 5stars

It is still unfinished to meet customer requirements. It is necessary to program other conditions and treat the sending of old notifications.
It doesn’t make much easier for $60.

SMTP Maill test OK, but Booking does not send Send user automatically 5/ 5stars

Technician taught me Accommodation ->Settings->Email Settings

The Administrator Email and From Email must have the same @, and set the same mailbox, otherwise the system will not automatically send out any letters, and the person who booked the room will not receive any mail, thank you John

You must log in to submit a review.

54 Replies to “Hotel Booking Notifier – Event-Driven Emails

  1. Hi, is it possible to add images into the email. For example we have an image of how to use our digital lock which would need to be included in the check-in email. thanks

    1. Hi Carmen, when you edit a template of an email notification there is a button to Add Media. You may use it to add pictures to email notifications.

    1. Hi Jorge, you may install a third-party plugin to view the logs of all the emails sent from your site.

  2. We really need sms or whatsapp notifications. In the absense of thisI would like to be able to export the name, phone number and same notification custom fields to our CRM or google sheet.

  3. Hello, I would like to know if with this plugin you can send notifications to clients if their reservation has been modified.

    1. Hi, the notification is sent one time only. There is no option to resend the notification after the booking has been modified.

    1. SMS notifications would be useful indeed. Only planning to buy once it’s available. Just for emails it doesn’t bring enough value to the price.
      Thank you

  4. Hi team, is it possible to send a “report” as a notification? I’d like to notify the site admin of all upcoming bookings X days prior to check-in.

    It would be useful to bundle all of the booking details under a single e-mail instead of 1 e-mail for each booking.

    1. Hi Pablo, Thanks for your question. There is no possibility to send a report with upcoming bookings in notification.

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Release Notes

1.3.3, Jun 3 2024

  • Added the ability to use accommodation notice email tags in the reserved accommodation details template.

1.3.2, Sep 18 2023

  • Added manual and automatic trigger settings options with the possibility to select between these two types of notifications.

1.3.1, Aug 7 2023

  • Added the ability to send notifications manually from the Edit booking area in the backend.

1.3.0, Mar 13 2023

  • Added the ability to disable automatic notifications for bookings made later than the the set time frame.

1.2.1, Sep 8 2022

  • Added the option to disable the automated notification sending related to imported/external bookings.

1.2.0, Aug 22 2022

  • Added the ability to send email notifications based on the specific Accommodation type.

1.1.3, Jul 22 2022

  • Bug fix: fixed an issue with sending deferred notifications that were localized with WPML.

1.1.2, Mar 2 2022

  • Minor bugfixes and improvements.

1.1.1, Nov 2 2021

  • New feature: added new user access capability settings.

1.1.0, Aug 11 2021

  • Added the ability to send notifications to imported bookings.
  • Bug fix: fixed an issue when the notification email was sent in the default language instead of the language of the booking.

1.0.3, Jul 30 2021

  • Improved compatibility with WPML: now you can translate client email templates with custom notifications as well as translate custom notice (notice_1 and notice_2) fields assigned to individual accommodations.

1.0.2, Oct 27 2020

  • Improved compatibility with version 3.8.6 of Hotel Booking plugin.

1.0.1, Oct 15 2020

  • Fixed an issue with the accommodation notice in email.

1.0.0, Dec 16 2019

  • Initial release