Show prices with tax

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  • #978862
    Sebastian Ferstl

    Hi Mary,

    Thank you very much for this good news and for your support. Also it would be good to know for you that e.g. in Germany there are two different taxes for accommodation and services like breakfast. For the accommodation there is 19% and for breakfast there is 7%.

    So it would be nice if there will be the option to set separate taxes for services and accommodation in one of your next future updates.

    Also it would be important then to forward both taxes to the woocommerce payments. So that an invoice will be generated correctly. OR: If you wil offer an option to generate PDF invoices with another motopress plugin there would be no woocommerce needed. 😉


    Mary Evans

    Hello Sebastian,

    Thank you for your reply.
    1. It is already possible to set different taxes for accommodation and taxes for services. It can be done under your dashboard > Bookings > Taxes & Fees > Accommodation Taxes / Service Taxes.
    Note that except the above taxes, in the Taxes & Fees tab there is also possible to add Fees and Fee Taxes.
    2. We have a request to add the possibility to generate invoices within Hotel Booking. We’ll add your upvote and notify you when this feature gets implemented.

    Best Regards,
    M. Evans

    Christelle Maitre

    Hello, I also need prices with VAT. It is necessary to state prices with VAT due to legislation.

    Andre Flores

    Hello, Christelle!

    Thank you for your up-vote, it has been counted.


    Jan Turek

    Hi, I am also voting for! Thank you.

    Andre Flores

    Hi, Jan!

    Thank you for your up-vote, it has been also counted.


    Markus Klimek

    Hi, i am also from germany and need the tax information!

    Mary Evans

    Hello Markus,

    Thank you for your upvote, it’s been added to the feature request.

    Best Regards,
    M. Evans

    Alessio Daniele

    Hi, I am also voting for! In italy is the same. Thank you.

    Mary Evans

    Hello Alessio,

    Thank you for your upvote.

    Best Regards,
    M. Evans


    I’m also voting for this! It includes the whoe EU area that it is mandatory to show prices with taxes included.

    Since I cannot wait this anymore, I need to find another plugin for us. Sorry I did not realise this earlier. I wasted hours of work and also the plugin price.

    But if you can configure this in the future to fit in EU needs, then your plugin would be very great!

    Andre Flores

    Hello, Laura!

    Thank you for your feedback, it is much appreciated. We are doing our best to improve our products. Your up-vote has been counted, I hope you will continue using our plugin!


    Bastiaan Laarmans

    Hi Motopress team,

    We also need prices with VAT urgently, herewith our upvote!

    Nevertheless, we can not understand this is a “difficult option” to integrate the requested update in the SEARCH RESULTS price overview (tax, fees etc.).

    Basically, we need just the same total price as described in the CHECKOUT. Not only for legal reasons in Germany, Netherlands or in the complete EU, but also to create transparency to the clients who are willing to book.

    One of the biggest failures for all companies world wide is not be honest or being transparent of all services and (extra) costs.


    Thomas Kolnowski

    +1. Please count us in for adding this feature, it is highly desired to be able to show the total including all taxes prior to the final booking form.

    Thomas Kolnowski

    Andre Flores

    Hi, Bastiaan and Thomas!

    Thank you for your feedback and up-votes, they have been counted. We will see if there are more users interested in this feature and consider adding it to one of plugin future updates.


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