
The Stratum Addon: Image Accordion & Image Hotspot Widgets

Today we are reviewing Stratum Elementor widgets related to stunning image display, namely the Image Accordion & Image Hotspot widgets. Together with the Advanced Slider, Masonry Gallery and many other widgets, your visual content will look modern, eye-catching and highly-aesthetic.

Stratum for Elementor collection counts 20+ advanced widgets that will be a useful addition to any kind of business or personal website. Let’s go through the general features of both widgets and see what can help you create stylish hotspots and accordions without touching a code.

See also: Image Hotspot for the block editor.
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How to Fix JavaScript Errors With jQuery Migrate Helper in WordPress?

WordPress 5.5 “Eckstine” brings a lot of awesome changes to the core. Removing the jQuery Migrate 1.x in WP 5.5. was one of the planned stages in terms of updating the WordPress jQuery version.

Despite the recommendation for developers to get ready for this jQuery update by testing and updating their code, this update still has caught many developers unprepared.

The JavaScript library update has virtually broken many plugins, leaving WP users with messed-up Yoast, Social Warfare, and even the Classic WordPress Editor plugins. Many users of these popular plugins have been reporting numerous issues.

Have some of your WordPress plugins stopped working properly after you’ve updated to WP 5.5.? Let’s get to the point and provide you with the solution.

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WordPress Gutenberg Addons Compared: Atomic Blocks vs. Getwid

Atomic Blocks or Getwid? Which one do you need for your next project? We decided to compare these two popular Gutenberg addons for WordPress to help you quickly grasp the differences and similarities.

Both plugins are created by reputable WordPress companies with many years of expertise under their belt. Atomic Blocks is made by StudioPress and WP Engine. Getwid (sometimes incorrectly spelled as GetWid – please do avoid this styling) is a Gutenberg addon by MotoPress.

Both plugins offer free Gutenberg blocks for different needs.

Free Gutenberg Addons Rating

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Stratum: Flip Box Elementor Widget & Banner Widget

The Stratum Flip Box Elementor widget & Banner widget are perfect for creating:

Since they are completely customizable, you’ll definitely find a perfect solution for your website design.

See also: the Banner block for the block editor (Gutenberg)

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How to Set Wide or Full-width Content Alignment in Gutenberg

How to create full-width / wide-width containers in Gutenberg without coding? How to turn Gutenberg elements and text to full width? We have answers in this post. You might need them for headers, promo sections, and other content areas that you want to highlight. Wide and full-width content alignment in Gutenberg can also work for building visual hierarchy between sections and making some of them stand out.

Note that you can align content for both pages and posts in WordPress.

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Add More Conversion-boosting Gutenberg Blocks to the WooCommerce Storefront Theme

If you are on Gutenberg using the WooCommerce Storefront theme, you might have already had a chance to give a try to the dedicated WooCommerce blocks plugin. They give you a block-enabled way to represent featured WooCommerce products or categories, best-selling or top-rated products, reviews, filterable products, and many more essentials automatically sourced from your store content.

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WordPress Gutenberg Themes Built with Getwid

The moment Gutenberg was released divided all WordPress users into two camps – those who accepted it and those who rejected it after the first try. Nowadays, the borders between both these camps become vaguer as all even the most committed TinyMCE users start using Gutenberg templates for their projects. What has caused such a change?

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Stratum Elementor Widgets: Advanced Slider WordPress Widget

WordPress image slideshows are no doubt easy to build with Elementor. But in case a native free slider Elementor widget doesn’t live up to your expectations, give a try to the Stratum Advanced Slider Elementor widget.

See also: Slider block for the block editor (Gutenberg)

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Getwid Plugin 1.6.0: New WordPress Blocks & Block Options

In this post, we’ll go through the major Getwid plugin updates released in version 1.6.0. The new version ships with three new blocks, more flexibility for the Section block, new tools for the post-based blocks, and more great improvements.

As for the new blocks, they will be particularly helpful for page navigation and building tables in WordPress.

Continue reading “Getwid Plugin 1.6.0: New WordPress Blocks & Block Options”