How to Add Google Analytics to WordPress

Looking at how to add Google Analytics to WordPress? There are two major approaches: Manually without plugins. Technically, you’ll need to get your Google Analytics code snippet and insert it into your WordPress website (we’re going to tell you where). Then you’ll be able to access the Google Analytics dashboard from your Google Account online…

How to use MailChimp and WordPress: Quick and Ultimate Guide

Regardless of the activity, you conduct here, on the Internet, the constant communication with your audience and truthful feedback from it are two key factors to have credible relations with customers. To stay on track, there are multiple WordPress Mailchimp plugins, with the help of which you may effortlessly get in touch with subscribers, notify…

What is an SSL Certificate and How to Get it for Your Website

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer, which implies the digital certificate that deals with the website’s security. It’s a cryptographic protocol aimed at securing all types of communication/data transmission through your website (logins, passwords, billing information, etc.). WordPress SSL is especially critical for e-commerce websites that sell goods and services, for example. The certificate allows…

Email Marketing for Hotels: Simple & Effective Tips

So you already have a hotel and probably even a website where guests can book a room online. Splendid! But we’re not hoteliers. We work with the software for rental properties and all the related stuff. Apart from coding and designing user-friendly things, we are into sharing experiences like this one: How to drive more…

How to Reset WordPress CMS with no Efforts

How to reset WordPress? In other words, how to delete all WordPress content and start over? That may sound like an intimidating task, especially if you’ve run a custom website for some time now or want to partially delete content, but let us assure you that it’s not that scary when you have the right…

How to Build a Small Business Website with WordPress

Communication, sales, purchasing, business even negotiations are conducted with the help of the Internet, it has conquered our lives and we significantly depend on it. If you are a modern entrepreneur and do not have a website for the business, it is high time you start creating it and this article will be definitely of…

How to Create a WordPress Camping Website with Campground Software

Looking for a campground manager software to implement direct campsite bookings on your WordPress camping website? You’ve landed on the right spot then. I’m going to help you create a campsite website using WordPress and a bunch of vital tools. The solution I’m going to introduce you to is the right match for the following…

WordPress Twenty Nineteen & Gutenberg: How to Create Better Content with Getwid Blocks

If you are on the WordPress Twenty Nineteen default theme, you have already experienced the power (as well as flaws) of the Gutenberg editor. No doubt, even despite limitations, Gutenberg unlocked more customization opportunities and brought the kind of UI that is much more user-friendly for the everyday workflow. No need to wrack your brain…

How to Create a Hotel Booking WordPress Website?

In this WordPress tutorial, I’m very keen to tell you how to create a hotel booking website of any kind that won’t break your bank account. We do write about WordPress for hotels and rental properties a lot on this blog, so before we go any further, let’s see whether this is really that piece…

How to Create a Pet Boarding Website on WordPress

WordPress has proved to be a fantastic, multidimensional solution for all types of hotel and holiday rental websites. But if you are in the pet boarding industry, are WordPress solutions that suitable as well? Can you create a pet boarding WordPress website? How does a traditional rental property website differ from a pet boarding hotel…