Hotel Booking WooCommerce Payments

Home > WordPress Hotel Booking Plugins & Elementor Addons > Hotel Booking WooCommerce Payments
This plugin integrates WooCommerce payment gateways with the MotoPress Hotel Booking plugin for WordPress. Use it to extend the number of payment gateways needed to handle online reservation of your rental accommodations.
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Purchase this product in the Hotel Booking + 9 Addons bundle and save:

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    - 85 %
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Product is subject to a yearly license for support and automatic updates.
Hotel Booking WooCommerce Payments

This plugin integrates WooCommerce payment gateways with the MotoPress WP hotel booking plugin. Use it to extend the number of payment gateways needed to handle online reservations of your rental accommodations.

Hotel Booking WooCommerce Payments Addon Highlights

Backend Demo (Dashboard)

To test the backend of the Hotel Booking WooCommerce Payments add-on and try this Woocommerce integration in action, register your demo: click the View Demo button and choose the Villagio theme.

How to install the WooCommerce room booking plugin

  1. Install and activate the WP hotel booking WooCommerce addon.
  2. Create one WooCommerce product (e.g. Reservation) that will be used for reservations.
  3. Navigate to the Hotel Booking settings page, activate “WooCommerce” payment, and select created product.
  4. Set up WooCommerce payment gateways.Hotel Booking

How it will work for your guests

  1. Your guest chooses the accommodation on your site.
  2. Guest provides personal data to confirm the reservation.
  3. Guest chooses from the WooCommerce payment gateways offered by you and pays.
    WooCommerce Payments Hotel Booking
  4. A new booking appears upon successful payment.
  5. WooCommerce orders are automatically synchronized with bookings of Hotel Booking plugin.
    WooCommerce Payments Addon

Video Overview of the WooCommerce integration add-on

Give your guests the advantage of easy and convenient property rental by providing all possible online payment systems for paying.


More WordPress Hotel Booking Addons:

Along with the different payment getaways, your accommodation booking website may inherit a number of features with our set of Hotel booking addons.

Besides vast payment options, you may implement automatic payment requests and ensure a convenient track of incoming payments thanks to the Hotel Booking Payment Request addon.

With the help of Hotel Booking Reviews, your potential guests may learn what your customers like about your accommodation based on different criteria.

The HB Mailchimp Integration addon will take care of users’ automatic subscriptions to your website targeted emails as they leave their reservations.

By using the Hotel Booking Notifier – Event-Driven Emails, you can, first of all, create emails and notifications to remind your guests of their arrival/departure but also send handy instructions, and all kinds of pre or post-arrival messages.

Implementing the Hotel Booking Checkout Fields addon ensures convenient editing of the checkout form in correspondence with any kind of changes, whether it’s the new accommodation features, the new state policy, etc.

Great news for Elementor and Divi users: the plugin provides shortcodes for visual Hotel booking customization in both page builders thanks to FREE Hotel Booking & Elementor Integration and Hotel Booking & Divi Integration addons.


Average rating: 4.8 out of 5 stars
5 reviews
5 stars
4 stars
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2 stars
1 star
Investment? 5/ 5stars

This plugin is just a small investment. I suggest buying the complete license with access to all plugins. This helps me combining some powerfull plugins and providing customers the best experience.

I’m using hotel booking pro, custom checkout fields, WooCommerce payments, together with WPML Translator, flawlessly. It will definitely pay the bills.

Good choice! (-:

it's good 4/ 5stars

Plugin works just fine. It’s perfect if you need to integrate a local gateway.

I don’t know how this would be possible but the checkout page of the booking engine and the checkout page of the woocomerce overlap. They ask for pretty much same details and make the whole process longer for the customer.

Nice plugin but even better customer support 5/ 5stars

These guys’ve been soooo patient with me and helped me so much. I really do appreciate all the help provided by the team. We were allowed to add some local payment system that seems to be working perfectly well with WooCommerce so thank you guys!

This will earn its money back when you use it correctly 5/ 5stars

I already wrote a review on the hotel plugin, but we choose this plugin to go with it. You might get second thoughts about the price, but if you really have a need for this you will earn it back. First of all, when you use this plugin you will have more payment options to choose from. Some are cheaper then others. We for example choose Mollie, because the payment options made more sense for my client. But the main reason we choose this plugin because together with the hotel booking plugin it gives you the option to use an affiliate program out of the box. And this will open a lot of doors for your marketing strategies. Together with the booking plugin you can let clients pay with PCI third party solutions, you can sync them with some major booking websites and you can have affiliate partnerships with bloggers and other companies in your branch. I researched channel managers with PMS, they did not have the ability to have a out of the box affiliate option. Besides this, the service of motopress is the best you can hope for. Swift, proffesional, clear, intelligent answers. I highly recommend their services.

The Very Best I Have Come Across 5/ 5stars

I used Hotel Booking WooCommerce Payments on Oceanica theme both from Motopress to build a world-class functional hotel website, take my word for it, these are the very best that i have come across including their booking plugin. The support team are great guys, swiftly attending to your questions. The amazing thing is that you don’t need to be a professional to work with these great tools, Motopress has simply simplified the use of these tools to build your dream hotel website. Great job.

You must log in to submit a review.

93 Replies to “Hotel Booking WooCommerce Payments

  1. Good Morning,

    I have a problem with this plugin, when saving the order it is saved with the order status “Requires admin action”, so these orders do not expire, in case the payment is not made, for expire this orders need save with status “Required payment”.

    What would be the solution?

    Greetings and thanks.

    1. Hi, Those are 2 different addons:
      HB WooCommerce Payments – allows you to connect a WooCommerce checkout page with WooCommerce payment gateways to the checkout process of the Hotel Booking plugin.
      Payment Request – allows you to send a notification to the guest before the check-in and request to pay the remaining amount of the already paid deposit. For example, you charge a deposit (not the full amount) to confirm the reservation. So this addon will help you to send a message with a payment link so that the guest could pay the remaining amount before the check-in date.

  2. Hello,

    I installed the plugin, disabled emails from Woocommerce and enabled to send emails via Hotel Booking. Unfortunately, I don’t receive any emails now.

    How can I fix this?

    Kind regards,


    1. Hi Angela,
      Thanks for your question. Please try setting up SMTP for proper email delivery or try contacting your hosting provider to enable PHP Mail Function on the server.

  3. Hi guys! What amazing job with this plugin and the woocommerce payments addon!

    I have one question: when WooPayments are activated in my site, woocommerce override the Hotel Booking emails templates too?

    Ex.: When the confirmation method was set as Confirmation by User, the site uses the templates provided by Hotel Booking, when the method set is Confirmation Upon Payment, and I have Woocommerce Paymente enable, the templates are provided by Woocommerce…

    1. Hi,
      After you have enabled the HB WooCommerce payments addon the admin and customer will get emails from both – Hotel Booking and WooCommerce. We recommend disabling WooCommerce emails and use the ones from Hotel Booking since it includes more information about the booking. Thus you may go to WooCommerce settings and try to disable emails that are sent by WooCommerce.

      1. If Woocommerce emails are disabled then the customer will not get a notification when buys a product from the Wooccommerce shop?

        1. Hi Mihaela, Yes, if you disable the email notifications of WooCommerce then the buyers of regular products will not be notified. You may keep email templates from both systems or disable email notifications of the Hotel Booking plugin then.

  4. We purchase this plugin in March 2019.

    The best thing this plugin has it the calendar synchronization with unlimited calendars and is why I will renew.

    The customer service is very poor and lack of user or developers needs and will explain.
    1. We need a fee to be charged as a percentage (%) and they say they need mote votes (under what criteria: how many are needed? Our need to have value for the company? They need to vote to consider a necessity)

    2. You open a ticket, and they will answer upon 24 hours so if there’s any mayor issue with a customer need you’re on your own. Then you will have to wait 24 more hours for a response and so on (endless, and you solve it on your own).

    3. The extensions are great and want to upgrade to lifetime but with the CS I’m not sure yet and keep looking for other plugins to solve my situation if they don’t look forward to solving our need as customers.

    1. Hi,
      Thanks for your feedback and accept apologies for the inconvenience.
      1. The Hotel Booking plugin works as described and the requested feature has not been promised before the purchase. There are requests with a much higher priority that were requested by many users of the Hotel Booking plugin so we simply can not guarantee we will add your custom request immediately.
      2. We are sorry for the delays in response though we work to enhance the reply time and hope you will notice this by submitting further requests to our support team. Additionally, we release new video guides and add articles to the knowledge base for you to learn more about the Hotel Booking plugin.
      3. We are sorry for such an experience and we will pay more attention to the topics you have raised. Your thoughts are important for us.

    1. Hi, I’m sorry but I’m not sure I get your question properly. Could you provide some examples or refer to the topic or video tutorial where this functionality is described?

    1. Hi,
      The license of the plugin is annual to get updates and support. The license expiration does not affect plugin functionality though license can be renewed whenever you need to get support or update.

    1. Hi Amir,
      This is an addon for Hotel Booking plugin and it allows to integrate payment gateways from WooCommece to Hotel Booking plugin. You may check whether Senangpay can be used with WooCommerce and use this addon to integrate Senangpay (or other payment gateways) from WooCommerce to Hotel Booking.
      Note: you may get access to all booking addons and themes getting a membership

    1. Hi,
      Thank you for your question. By default these payment gateways are not available in Hotel Booking plugin. However if they are available for WooCommerce you may purchase HB WooCommerce Payments additionally and integrate payment gateways from WooCommerce to Hotel Booking plugin.

  5. Hola, quiero instalar los plugin necesario para reservas en mi complejo de cabañas, que haya un calendario para elegir fechas y otro campo para la cantidad de personas, y al finalizar la reserva, puedan abonar el mismo a traves de woocommerce… me podrian asesorar? y los precios son anuales? en dolares?

    1. Hello Diego,
      1. With the Hotel Booking plugin you can add the search form with the fields to choose check-in/out dates (with calendar) and number of guests. You can also add your custom fields with the needed parameters.
      2. MotoPress Hotel Booking provides the booking and payment functionality. It has the following in-built payment gateways: Pay on Arrival, PayPal, 2Checkout, Braintree, Stripe, Beanstream/Bambora. However, you can also connect custom WooCommerce payment gateways.
      So, after making a reservation on the Checkout page, for a guest to pay via WooCommerce payment gateways, you would need WooCommerce, our WooCommerce integration (the Hotel Booking WooCommerce Payments addon) and a WooCommerce addon for your custom payment gateway.
      3. The price for the Hotel Booking WooCommerce Payments license is annual. The annual renewal is due in a year after your purchase. If you skip a renewal, you will stop getting updated versions and technical assistance after the license expiration.

        1. Yes, you can change languague to the needed one under your WordPress Settings > Site Language. Here you can also see the languages Hotel Booking has been translated to.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use built-in payment gateways of MotoPress Hotel Booking plugin with WooCommerce ones simultaneously?

Of course! Enable only those WooCommerce payment gateways, which are not available by default in the MotoPress Hotel Booking plugin.

Can I use this extension to sell other products apart from using it for accommodation reservation?

Yes, you can sell other products via WooCommerce, but please bear in mind that reservation and another product cannot be added in the shopping cart simultaneously (bookings are purchased separately from other average products).

Can I use WooCommerce Subscription?

No. Since the booking depends on accommodation availability, it cannot be controlled by subscription.

Can I use other WooCommerce addons?

Sure, other WooCommerce addons of payment gateways will work.

Release Notes

1.0.10, Aug 7 2023

  • Added the payment gateway title to the Reservation Received page.

1.0.9, Dec 2 2022

  • Fixed a conflict with the WooCommerce Payments plugin.

1.0.8, Nov 2 2021

  • New feature: added new user access capability settings.

1.0.7, Apr 7 2021

  • Fixed PHP error that may occur in PHP 7.2.

1.0.6, Apr 1 2021

  • Added the ability to fill in the product label with information from a booking. This option allows you to display booking data in the WooCommerce interface and its addons.

1.0.5, Feb 21 2020

  • Improved the way to automatically process second successful transactions after the failed ones in order to keep the booking status correct.

1.0.4, Sep 19 2019

  • Improved compatibility with Hotel Booking plugin.

1.0.3, Apr 3 2019

  • Improved compatibility with WPML plugin.

1.0.2, Jul 18 2018

  • Improved compatibility with WPML Multilingual CMS plugin.
  • Added the ability to hide WooCommerce payment method description on the checkout page if it is the only available one.

1.0.1, Apr 4 2018

  • Improved compatibility with Hotel Booking plugin.

1.0.0 - 24 Jan 2018

  • Initial release