How to link a slide

If you need to link slide with any URL you can do that following this guide:

  1. go to edit your slide and switch to Link tab
  2. set URL for your slide
  3. define a target of the link current/new window
  4. set link id and class – it is used for custom styling
  5. set link rel and title – are important for SEO


4 Replies to “How to link a slide”

  1. can I link an image within a slide to open up the next slide?
    Just like the back and forward buttons do or the little radio navigation buttons are able to go to the particular slide?

    1. Hi Chris,
      Thank you for your question. There is not a layer to link to another or certain slide of the same gallery. You may use arrows and bullet points/pagination. We would also recommend to take a look at our free Getwid plugin for Gutenberg where is available slider and many other awesome blocks.

  2. Hi,
    I tried doing that but unable to link my slide to the url which I want to.
    Guide me please??

    1. Could you specify what exactly difficulty you face? Please provide page example with your slider and indicate a slide that you tried to link?

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