Provide the option to NOT delete past synced bookings

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Plugins Hotel Booking Provide the option to NOT delete past synced bookings

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  • #1437748
    Robin Wiggs

    Thanks John.

    Please can you explain what “The task is on the stage of collecting feedback” means?

    Does it mean you are collecting feedback about the proposed feature – and it is not yet started to be implemented?

    Or does it mean it has been coded and you are collecting feedback about how it works before rolling it out?

    I think we all would just like some concrete information about timescales rather than a response of “we’ll let you know when/if there is ever any news at some unspecified date in the future”

    This is such a a fundamental feature that should be high up the developemnt path for the plugin.

    Many thanks.

    J. Davis

    Hi Robin,

    Thanks for your question. We collect feedback to see how many users need this feature and learn the priority of this request among other requests. We will do notify you once we have any news about this task.

    best regards,
    John Davis

    Harold Tabbert

    It should be about time to get us this option, we are required to pay tax on all bookings, but all imported disappear, it is not cool.

    Should be only a small code change. Can we pay for it?

    AM Realty

    In case it helps others, the work around that we implemented was to comment out lines 242-248, 373, and 452-459 in the file /wp-content/plugins/motopress-hotel-booking/includes/i-cal/background-processes/background-worker.php

    Test it in a dev environment first to ensure the changes work for you and do not introduce any problems. Also, please note that my line numbers may differ slightly since we have comments added in the file.

    I hope this helps others.

    BuenVivir Casa

    It is really difficult to understand why it takes so long to implement this feature, if it is only a matter of very few code lines and so many people are waiting for it. In my opinion the feedback that has been collected here so far should be sufficient to proof the interest in this feature.

    Robin Wiggs

    One other issue is possibly cropping up.

    I have the Notifications plugin installed and set to send a follow-up email to guests 2 days after check-out.

    Can you confirm that the plug in still sends the email – or does this fail as well because the past booking is deleted?

    I really can’t fathom out a reasonable justification for deleting past external bookngs by design – it’s utter madness!

    Despite asking for a proper/specific update in my previous response – once again you replied “we’ll let you know in due course” so I ask again:

    PLEASE CAN YOU TELL US WHERE THIS IS IN THE DEVELOPMENT CYCLE AND A TIMESCALE FOR IMPLEMENTATION as a standard feature (not requiring us to hack the code). This is a very simple question to answer – please don’t reply with the usual generic reply. We need detail – otherwise we will need to consider moving to an alternative plugin such as Hotellier, Vik or HBook.




    J. Davis

    Hi Robin,

    Thanks for your question. We have selected this task for development. It means that our developers will review it after they finish the tasks that are working on at the moment. Unfortunately, I can not know the exact date when it is released but it will be processed next.

    best regards,
    John Davis

    Andre Flores

    Hello everybody,

    We are delighted to let you know that we have recently released the Hotel Booking plugin update v. 4.7.2, where past bookings imported from external sources are retained instead of being deleted. Feel free to update the plugin to the latest version to get the new improvement.

    Best regards,
    Andre Flores

    Christos M.

    That’s awesome, thank you!

    Admit it though, you were waiting for me to renew my subscription that was ending today before releasing this, right? 😂

    Robin Wiggs

    Brilliant. Thanks for the update – exactly what the plug in needed.

    Harold Tabbert

    Bukket off cudo.

    AM Realty

    Thank you Andre (and the rest of the team) for this update. It is essential functionality for businesses that receive bookings from many sites.

    eric Brabants

    il will be very helpful

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