Can not confirm the reservation as it redirects to Home page

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Plugins Hotel Booking Can not confirm the reservation as it redirects to Home page

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  • #732036
    Cherie-Ann Setchell

    When I click book now at the bottom of the confirmation page (not in test mode) I get redirected to the homepage. I have it on the setting to redirect to payment success but it doesn’t show.
    The payment gateway I have chosen is the BACS but it does not allow me to add my payment details when confirming my reservation. I wish customers to be able to pay via the website.

    kind regards

    Cherie-Ann Setchell

    Would it work if the site was secured?

    J. Davis

    Hi Cherie,

    Thank you for your question. Make sure you have selected proper confirmation mode ‘upon payment’ to be able to accept online payments for reservation.

    Let us know if it helps.

    best regards,

    Cherie-Ann Setchell

    I have it selected as confirmation upon payment but I do not get to a payment page and/or a confirmation page

    Lori Moore

    Responded to wrong post, sorry about that

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Lori Moore. Reason: Replied to wrong post
    J. Davis

    Hi Cherie-Ann,

    We have found out you used payments gateways integrated by WooCommerce addon and there were no page created for WooCommerce Checkout. It has been created and issue has been resolved.

    best regards,

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