PDF invoices – hide booking details possible?

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  • #1679494
    eric Brabants

    upvote too


    J. Davis

    Hi Eric, do you mean you would like to remove some rows like per night price from the price breakdown? Could you please clarify what is the most important in this request for you? Thanks

    eric Brabants

    From my point of view: too many details

    In the example below (sorry, in French), I rent 3 gîtes, 2 nights, with for each lodge 1 service, 1 tax, 1 fee.

    I have a very confusing 60-line invoice!
    In my example, I only have 38 lines.

    I don’t need
    – detail by night (group all nights with the same rate)
    – sub-totals for services, taxes and fees.

    I need to better identify the total per lodge

    The “PAYMENT DETAILS” area is perfect and very useful



    J. Davis

    Thank you for your feedback.

    Pedro van der Werf

    Upvote for me too.
    Current invoice is too long and not very professional..


    +1 Upvote too.

    Plus, related to the booking/price:
    there should be an easy way to round/change the “total booking price” right in the backend.

    This is a missing (easy) feature.

    eric Brabants

    An easy way to round off/modify the ‘total price of the booking’ directly in the backend could be a really useful function.

    Every time I negotiate a specific price, I have to create a specific coupon, and that’s very very time-consuming.

    J. Davis

    Hi, You can change the price of the reservation by applying a coupon code or by typing any custom price manually and saving the changes.
    This topic is about the ability to adjust the content of the PDF invoice.
    You can search for a related topic where you can add your upvotes or you can create a new one where you can describe it in more detail, with examples if you can not find such an existing topic.

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