Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Plugins Hotel Booking booking workflow
- This topic has 22 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 months ago by
J. Davis.
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- August 29, 2018 at 12:38 pm #712837
BNBB Services
ParticipantHi Motopress,
Do you have a sort of workflow of the booking that people can make?
For example:{book} = a button with text ‘Book’
search result page = the search and result page you can find under pages in the dashboard of your websitestep 1)
Place [mphb_availability_search] on the page where you want people to check if the room is still available. Un submit the visitor is directed to: the search result pagestep 2)
The visitor lands on the search result page that contains [mphb_search_results], where either the visitor gets a message that there is no accomodation available, or where the visitor lands on a page with search results from which he can choose an accomodation. Leaving content out of the result report can be achieved with Shortcodes (see manual).On the search result page you will find;
– the number of accomodations, followed by;
– the title of the accomodation, the total price of the selected duration of the stay, a selection box where you can select the amount of accomodation you wish to book, and;
the {Book}-buttonAfter selecting the number of accomondations, the visitor needs to click on {Book}, see picture below
Step 3)
After clicking {Book} at step 2, the visitor lands on a search-results page where he has to confirm his reservation, or he can select another accomodation and select either {Book} or {confirm reservation}.step 4)
When the customer confirms the reservation, then he lands on the booking confirmation page with [mphb_checkout] as shortcode. This page consist of multiple pages. The visitor first gets the booking details, then the Term&Conditions page and then the Submit button {Book now}.Here;
– the customer needs to select the number of guests and provide the Full guest name.
– The visitor can select any available additional services.
– is an overview of the total cost (including the additional services)
– needs the visitor to provide personal data like, name, address, mail address, phone number, etc.
– needs the visitor to accept any Terms & Conditions
– click the {book now}.step 5)
After clicking the {book now} button at step 4, the visitor lands on a booking confirmation page, where it states that the reservation is submitted, details of the reservation is sent to the mailadress the visitor submitted in step 4.
The customer needs to confirm the reservation by clicking on the link in the mail.step 6)
The customer needs to check his mail and click in the confirmation link. He is now redirected to the booking confirmation page where it states that the booking was successful and a confirmation mail is sent to the customer.step 7)
I can’t continue yet as I have not set up the payment section of the website. Personaly I don’t think that I will use the payment mothods provided by the plugin as all of my customers come from the EU. I would prever payment via Ideal. Therefor I need to set up a account with Mollie (Service payment provider) now I will sent the cutomer a payment request via my bank. If the buisiness matures, I can think about expanding the payment mothodes.
What was my question?
– Is there some kind of explanation like above on the workflow in a simple diagram?
– I will use this thread to ask you somethind else which I will address is a different threat.Best regards,
Bart Altena
- This topic was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by
BNBB Services. Reason: added pictures to illustrate
- This topic was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by
BNBB Services. Reason: added pictures to illustrate
- This topic was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by
BNBB Services. Reason: added pictures to illustrate
- This topic was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by
BNBB Services. Reason: added pictures to illustrate
- This topic was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by
BNBB Services. Reason: added pictures to illustrate
August 29, 2018 at 1:40 pm #712864BNBB Services
ParticipantHi MotoPress,
I just submitted a thread about the wolkflow. Link:
As you can see, does my customer first get a {Book} – button in step 2. And in step 3 He is getting another {book} button and a {confirm reservation} button (twice).
This is not just for the customer confusing but also for me.
Here in the Netherlands we use the term ‘Book’ when you want to book a accomodation for a specific time frame with a number of guest. It is a term that is used to finalise the booking procedure. You wont expect that you need to corfirm your reservation on the next page.I would expect. At step 2, you need to make a reservation, then at step 3, you will need to corfirm the reservation and then later when you receive the mail, you need to confirm you reservation in order to check the mailadress which was provided is correct, and then finalise the booking with a {Book} button.
I would like to address the workflow mentioned above into the booking procedure on my website.
At step 1, I get the search form. Which makes sence if you are searching for availability
But on step 2) the visitor will recieve an overview of ALL available accomodations based upon his search parameters and the availability of accomodation in the backend.
Here I would expect to ask the visitor to select 1 or more accomodations depending on the availability. Something with the text:
“Please select one or more accomodation to book from the available accomodations.” insteat of: “Select from available accommodations.”
Or even better: “Our Accomodation is still available for the time frame you selected.” If only one accomodation is set in the backend.With only one accomodation there is no need to display a complete overview ove ALL available accomodations, since there is only one accomodation at all.
Then at step 3 it becomes even more confusing.
Here is the picture how step 3 looks like on my website
What is expected from the visitor???
Does he need to book? Or does he need to Confirm his reservation?
Or does he need to see the details of the appartment he is booking?I’d rather see a button at step 2 like: “please make a reservation”
and then at step 3: “confirm reservation”Then when the customer gets a mail containing his cridentials and an overview of his reservation, then he can confirms his reservation which ends into a booking.
My question:
Until now I managed to edit the pages during the booking process by clicking on the link ‘edit page’. But if I do that on the page at step 2, then I am editting the page Search Results. Which contains this code:[mphb_search_results title=”true” featured_image=”true”
gallery=”false” excerpt=”false” details=”false” price=”true”
view_button=”false” default_sorting=”price”](by the way: Features_image is set true but is not displayed as there was not yet set a featured image in the accomodation type. nor is there a gallery set yet)
I would expect as a visitor that I get a confirmation at step 2 and not an option to choice from 1 out of 1 appartments. This step doesn’t make sence.
Then on step 3 it becomes mor confusing. If I click on ‘edit page’ at step 3, then I get the same search result page that I got from step 2.
How can I change the information shown on the page at step 3?
I would like to get rit of the Details button and the book button. I just need the Book button.On top of that I don’t need the extra information an availability of the accomodations. This was already shown at step 2. Why bother the visitor with an extra step?
Is there a way I can adjust the pages shown at step 2 and step 3?
Is there a way to set my booking so it just show one accomodation?
I hope you understand my request.Best regards,
Bart Altena
- This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by
BNBB Services.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by
J. Davis.
August 29, 2018 at 2:29 pm #712890BNBB Services
I have set the option “Skip Search Results” enabled in the settings of the Accomodations in the dashboard.Best regards,
August 29, 2018 at 3:38 pm #712947Stacy Lind
KeymasterHi Bart,
Of course feel free to post any questions in this thread.
Mollie and other custom payment gateways can be connected any time in the future by using the WooCommerce integration addon and a WooCommerce addon for your custom payment gateway.
There is no diagram explaining the booking process, but you pretty much got it right. Could you specify why you need the diagram?
August 29, 2018 at 9:51 pm #713152BNBB Services
ParticipantHi Stacy,
Thank you for the reply. I have no clue why there is a step 3.
Can you take out step 3?
orTake out step 2, and adjust step 3 by removing the book-buttons?
I enabled the setting: Skip Search Results
Skip search results page and enable direct booking from accommodation pages.
But it doesn’t seem to do what I expect it to do.
I expect to get rit off step 2 or step 3 when enabled in the the settings.Best regards,
- This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by
BNBB Services.
August 30, 2018 at 3:21 pm #713465Stacy Lind
The step 3 is needed, because our booking plugin allows booking multiple accommodations at a time. By clicking the ‘Book’ button, they add accommodations to their cart. By clicking ‘Confirm Reservation’ they proceed to the checkout page with all the booked accommodations. If you find the wording confusing, you can rename the buttons (and any other text of our plugin) to something more clear with a translation plugin. We can provide an instruction for renaming if needed.
The Skip Search Results option removes the step 2, so your guests do not lend on the search results page and go directly to the checkout page from the search availability form on accommodation type pages. If you enabled this option, but still see the search results page, while booking from a single accommodation page, our technical support team will need to check the problem on your installation. For this, please, submit a ticket providing access details to your website here.
August 30, 2018 at 9:49 pm #713596BNBB Services
ParticipantHi Stacy,
Thanks for getting back to me. The wording can indeed be altered. I already did some translation into dutch, also on the website. So I should be good with the translation.
I also understand there is a search result page needed as you are working with multiple accomodations. I understand the process. But it doesn’t make sense to have search result presented to your visitor if there is ony 1 accomodation to choose from. Basicly you talling the visitor: “Hé look what I found…an accomodation. You can choose either accomodation A or Accomodation A or Accomodation A. They are all the same but you still can choose.” (that is nuts)
So I figured that is why you have the option “Skip Search Results” in the option and have the website builder use the accomodation page to book directly. So I have enabled that in the settings and build an accomodation page with the shortcode [mphb_room id=”493″ featured_image=”0″ view_button=”1″ book_button=”1″]
But even then I still don’t get the book-button at the bottum of the page.I think I will submit a support ticket.
Thanks for hearing me out.Cheers,
August 31, 2018 at 4:36 pm #713962Stacy Lind
KeymasterHi Bart,
Thank you for contributing to the translation of the plugin.
The book button will take you to the page of the accommodation 493, where direct booking is possible. If you want a booking form to appear on the page with [mphb_room id=”493″ featured_image=”0″ view_button=”1″ book_button=”1″] then you need to add it like [mphb_availability id=”493″].
We are looking forward to your response in the support ticket.September 4, 2018 at 7:48 am #714746BNBB Services
ParticipantHi Stacy,
I allready mentioned in our mail threat. This ticket can be closed.
I started from scratch and in the newly created website does now show the buttons.I created 2 pages;
– one page where I completely made my own accomodation page containing al the needed information. At the end of the page I used [mphb_rooms id=”493″ title=”0″ featured_image=”0″ gallery=”0″ excerpt=”0″ details=”0″ price=”0″ view_button=”0″]
That gave me only 1 button. By using id=”493″ I managed to redirect the visitor directly to the reservation form section of the booking form. Now the visitor need the fill in the dates to check the availability. This way I skipped the search step.– On another page I used the shortcode: [mphb_availability id=”493″]
That give the visitor a form where he need to fill in the dates of his stay and by clicking the button, he checks the availability of my appartment. Like the one above, the visitor doesn’t get an overview of multiple accomodation as I used the parameter id=”493″You can close this ticket. I hope other users who have the same problem are now helped.
Best regards,
January 25, 2019 at 1:26 am #765309Marcel Heiniger
ParticipantThe step 3 is needed because our booking plugin allows booking multiple accommodations at a time. By clicking the ‘Book’ button, they add accommodations to their cart. By clicking ‘Confirm Reservation’ they proceed to the checkout page with all the booked accommodations. If you find the wording confusing, you can rename the buttons (and any other text of our plugin) to something more clear with a translation plugin. We can provide an instruction for renaming if needed.
Here would be nice to add the option “redirect to checkout” after “add to cart” like exist in woocommerce
and also now when we click “Confirm Reservation” the numbers of guests that we choose when doing the search is not preselected in the checkout page so the price is no more the same that’s a BIG BUG in my eyes
January 30, 2019 at 2:52 pm #767330J. Davis
KeymasterHello Marcel,
Thank you for your feedback. As for the confirm reservation button so it is adjustable by editing translations like Stacy has already noted.
As for capacity value on the checkout page so it is cleared in order the visitor could change amount of guests and see how the price is being updated at the price breakdown table. It is not a bug indeed.
best regards,
J. DavisFebruary 24, 2019 at 7:55 am #776282Marcel Heiniger
ParticipantHello Marcel,
Thank you for your feedback. As for the confirm reservation button so it is adjustable by editing translations like Stacy has already noted.
As for capacity value on the checkout page so it is cleared in order the visitor could change amount of guests and see how the price is being updated at the price breakdown table. It is not a bug indeed.
best regards,
J. DavisStill completely not user-friendly
Step 1: he made the search for availability for 2 guests
Step 2: he says book now
Step 3: a button appear to ask to confirm (this step should be able to skip all e-commerce solution has the optionto redirect to checkout after adding to cart, how often user book multiple rooms?)
Step 4: finally arrive at the checkout but again the number of guests is lost need to enter it a second time, so not user-friendlyFebruary 28, 2019 at 2:46 pm #778191J. Davis
KeymasterHi Marcel,
Thank you. We will keep your feedback in mind. Anybody who agrees with Marcel’s feedback feel free to leave your comments below. Thanks.
best regards,
J. DavisMay 23, 2019 at 4:27 am #807826Armin Berchtold
ParticipantHej J.Davis
I agree with Marcel. The number of guests should be at least preselected with the chosen number in the first place, but still be able tochange if they want.
So fully agree with Marcel on this matter.Cheers Armin
May 30, 2019 at 11:45 am #810475J. Davis
KeymasterHi Armin, Thank you for your feedback.
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