Book Directly via Availability Calendar

  • This topic has 39 replies, 30 voices, and was last updated 11 months ago by J. Davis.
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  • #1311308
    J. Davis

    Hi Adrian,

    Thanks for your feedback. Your upvote has been added.

    best regards,
    J. Davis

    Loris Plasson

    Hey! Could we get an update on this feature request? I see it is quite frequently requested, and I feel like this would drastically improve the UX of Hotel Booking.

    It’s been a year since I have this great plugin on my website for my rentals, and one of the biggest “complaint” I get is that the double calendar is confusing.

    As said in an earlier post, making an Airbnb-like calendar would be awesome!


    jérémy dumas

    +1 upvote for this feature

    Andre Flores

    Hello there,

    Currently there are no updates regarding this matter, unfortunately. We do have this as a feature request, however, it has not been selected for development as of yet. If there are any updates from our development team, we will let you know in this topic.



    Related, but not the same … it would be good for an ADMIN to be able to add a booking direct from the ADMIN side of the calendars. With the calendar up on your screen, you have to go to the “New Booking” button rather than just being able to do it from the calendar view. We add a lot of blocks for maintenance or owner use … it’s just one extra click but, it’s one extra click across 125 accommodations. 😉

    M. Creative

    +1 upvote for this feature

    J. Davis

    Hi M. Creative,

    Could you please clarify whether you request is related to back-end or front-end calendar? Thanks.

    best regards,
    J. Davis

    Kevin Littlewood

    +1 from me

    Janina Weghorn

    I like to vote on it as well.
    I see the voting from 4/20/21 and is nothing done?
    I looked at the process on the iPhone
    1. I chose the dates using the form on the Home page
    2. there were 5 properties available for the dates
    3. I chose one
    4. Listing page came up with images, descriptions, details, “Prices start at”, and the Today calendar with marked chosen reservation dates and availability.
    5. Below is a calendar for next month with marked some not available dates.
    6. below reservation form
    chosen dates marked correctly in the form
    7. Below the Button “Check Availability”
    I didn’t click on anything more at this point but
    8. Below more rooms offer
    9. Book your stay form with marked dates and check the availability button.
    The process should speed up. Second-month calendar is not necessary for anything. Checking availability, how many times?

    J. Davis

    Hi, if you mean availability calendar on the front-end so it has been released. You can read this post to learn more

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