Wrong behaviour of search results

  • This topic has 45 replies, 18 voices, and was last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago by Martin Fourdrignier.
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  • #1169202
    Andre Flores

    Hello Carla,

    There is no option to have the featured image displayed for recommended section. In order to add it you will need to override plugin function in your child theme, which appears to be a matter of custom coding, which is beyond our support scope, unfortunately.


    Martin Fourdrignier

    @Jeffrey: many thanks for sharing your tweak, it was really useful! However, it doesn’t work anymore on my website since the last update of Motopress; maybe you faced the same issue and came out with a solution?

    : any idea on this? Or improvment coming in the plugin on that particular point?

    Andre Flores

    Hello Martin,

    You have lost changes after plugin update as you performed them directly in plugin files, so you will need to perform them once again. As an option you may back-up edited file and replace the original file with it after each update, until there is a solution.
    I have passed the request for further consideration to our developers, if we receive more similar requests from other users, they might consider allowing such a possibility in one of the plugin future updates.




    I’ve found an issue whereby when a customer searches for a accommodation they can be recommended an accommodation that isn’t suitable even though suitable accommodation is available. I think it is linked with the above.

    The example where this happens:
    I have two types of accommodation:
    > Small: Capacity 3 guests, 2 adults, 2 Children
    > Large: Capacity 4 guests; 4 adults, 3 Children

    If I do a search for a stay with 2 adults and 2 children the recommended accommodation in the search results is the small accommodation. However, this has a capacity of 3 so it isn’t suitable. The Large accommodation is presented in the search results (so it is available for the selected dates). Surely the large accommodation should be the recommended accommodation as this is the one that would be able to fit the number of guests. Is there a way to make this the recommended accommodation?


    Andre Flores

    Hello Rob,

    Please note that the Total capacity parameter is not taken into consideration in search results, only adults and children are taken into account, that is why the small accommodation type is displayed in the recommended section as it fits the searched parameters perfectly.



    Hi Andre,

    Thanks, but I don’t agree that this is perfect. If the capacity isn’t taken into account then it makes the recommendation incorrect. The very word that Hotel Booking uses is “Recommended” but it is far from it as it would not fit the correct number of guests. Is this issue on the agenda to be fixed or is there a way I can fix this myself? It seems only logical that the recommend accommodation would be suitable for the guests booking and therefore the total capacity parameter should be taken into account.

    Thanks for your help.


    Andre Flores

    Hello Robert,

    The issue is the Total Capacity feature has been implemented to the Hotel Booking plugin later, that is why it does not affect the search results in any way. The feature is only used to control the capacity of the accommodation type to be able to allow certain number of adults and children, however, with the limit of maximum allowed guests.
    We do have a feature request and I have added your suggestion to it as well. We will continue collecting feedback from our users and might consider implementing such a possibility in future.


    Chen Chiang CHAI

    basically i set capacity tab in accomodation types
    2 rooms of
    adults 5
    children 4
    capacity 5

    search for 5 adults and 4 childrens
    it recommended only 1 room with 5 max occupancy
    search result always ignore children total
    it should recommend 2 rooms

    well, whats the ETA on this?

    Sven Grossenbacher


    I have the exact same problem.

    When I search for an apartment for 4 guests it shows me all free apartments no matter if they have availability for 2 or 3 or 4 guests.

    This is not what I was looking for – to me it must show the apartments that have availability for 4 guests at the top of the list but this is not the case so guests have to search through lots of apartments before finding one.

    The same would be for hotel rooms. If I look for a hotel room with availability for 4 persons then I want those to be listed at the top of the page – that is why you can add guests in the search.

    Please make this work as right now it’s quite a mess.



    J. Davis

    Hi Chen and Sven,

    As far as I understand your questions differ so I’ll reply to you in separate points:

    1. Chen’s query – the recommendation section is not adjusted for the total capacity parameter. It can recognize children and adults parameters only. I’ve added your request to our list of features to adjust the recommendation section to recognize the total capacity. Meanwhile, you may disable the recommendation section at Accommodation > Settings.

    2. Sven’s query – this is how the search results work at the moment – it shows all the available properties for the searched dates. You may refer to this article to find some workaround that might be helpful https://support.motopress.com/hc/en-us/articles/360039318152 I’ve also added your upvote to our list of features.

    Feel free to put any further questions or suggestions.

    best regards,
    J. Davis

    prateek bhardwaj

    I am also amazed that this paid plugin lacks the basics of hotel booking. also, search results lack a proper basic UI layout, featured images come very large and look ugly. Do I have to buy a moto press theme that is costlier than the main hotel booking plugin just for these basic things??

    prateek bhardwaj

    In the search result, the Feature image for recommended stays is not coming. please tell me how can this is achievable.

    J. Davis

    Hi Prateek,

    Thanks for your feedback. You may refer to the article below to find some tips on how to adjust the layout of the Search Results Page:


    You may also pick one of our free or premium booking themes.

    As for the Recommendation block so it is an optional section of the search results page that is designed without a featured image. There is no option to turn on the featured image for the recommendation section.
    This sectional can be disabled at Accommodation > Settings.

    best regards,
    J. Davis

    Giulia Cristofori

    Seems that if you change, around row 898 in search-results-shortcode.php, in generateReccomendation function $strict = true like this:
    private function generateRecommmendation( $adults, $children, $availableRooms, $strict = true ) {

    it works…doesn’t show the reccomendation’s block if the number of guests is higher than the available capacity of rooms.

    J. Davis

    Hi Giulia,

    Thanks for your feedback.

    best regards,
    John Davis

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