Stop featured images from linking to accommodation page

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  • #1431239
    Ania Jakubowski

    I was able to find instructions on how to stop Gallery from linking to a new page, but I don’t know how to stop single featured images in HB single accom. stop opening an accommodation page. I found below instruction, but I don’t understand what has to be done. What file, where is that file? Is there a simplified way of doing that?

    Copy the following file

    paste the file to

    open the file and remove tags e.g
    “> and

    J. Davis

    Hu Ania, by default the featured image is not linked on a single accommodation type page. I may need to check such a page on your site to guide you further.
    Note: it is possible to build a custom layout for an accommodation type page by following the steps from this post

    Ania Jakubowski

    I wasn’t talking about individual accommodation page images. I have multiple accommodations listed on DIVI Pages. I used your DIVI elements to add what I want to display for each, one of them is Single Accomm. Settings that have Featured Image and Gallery options. Images are linked to Accommodation Pages. Do you want a video?

    Ania Jakubowski

    And images don’t open in a lightbox even though the setting for it is checked under your settings.

    J. Davis

    Hi Ania,
    Please be informed that the gallery of the single accommodation type module leads to the default accommodation type page, well, by default. There’s no functionality to either disable this link or change it, unfortunately. So in this case, I may only suggest you either use some other gallery module for accommodation-type galleries (images should be selected manually) or apply a custom CSS code to disable the link. As for the lightbox, I would like to inform you that the option you’re referring to is only meant to enable the lightbox on the default accommodation-type pages.

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