Redundant step in booking process

  • This topic has 18 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by J. Davis.
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  • #690060
    Christine Ros

    Hello The Crew,

    As you surely know, to much steps between order an payement make often drop the command.

    I use hotel booking + woocommerce payement.
    I notice a useless step in booking process, i think.

    First, there is the search availability page, where you select check-in + check-out date

    Then there is the results page where you choose one or several accommodations and click confirm booking

    Here the step it can be skip : the page with booking details (client information) + payement method + total + terms. On this page, when you click book button you are directed to

    WooCommerce end point page where client have to fill again name, adress, create or not an account, accept terms and click to pay.

    Is there a way to jump directly from accommodation choice to Woocommerce page ?

    Thank you

    J. Davis

    Hi Christine,

    Thank you for your request. We will review it too. Currently you can also enable ‘skip search results page’ option at plugin settings to check availability of each property and without going to search results page. Hope it will make a reservation process faster.

    best regards,

    Christine Ros


    As i told you in #686727

    If I check have primary checked “skip search results and allow direct booking from accommodation”, I can only book the selected accommodation type – exemple Kennel – there is no way to add another accommodation in the same booking if the client own several species.

    Too bad the process isn’t like Motopress order process…

    J. Davis

    Hi Christine,

    Thank you for your feedback. We’ve added your request to our list of features. We’ll keep tracking its priority and probably we’ll add some solution in one of plugin updates.
    As a workaround you can try removing fields on some of checkout pages not to fill the same information twice.

    best regards,

    Christine Ros

    Hello John,

    Do I have to set display none ? If I set display none, I am afraid it will miss everywhere like children field is not shown anywhere in the process.
    As info, in backend, when I create a booking, there are also two steps with same infos to fill.
    Waiting for your consulting.

    J. Davis

    Hi Christine,

    Thank you for your question. There are used different class names at the fields on Checkout Forms generated by Hotel Booking plugin and WooCommerce. Please email us saying what fields you’d like to hide as some fields are required and can not be simply hidden with display none.

    best regards,

    Ryan Labelle

    Hi team! Is there a way to copy the customer data from the checkout page to the WooCommerce checkout fields?

    Christine makes a good point:

    “WooCommerce end point page where client have to fill again name, adress, create or not an account, accept terms and click to pay.

    Is there a way to jump directly from accommodation choice to Woocommerce page ?’

    Redundant step in booking process

    Any suggestions?

    Andre Flores

    Hi, Ryan!

    Unfortunately, there is no way to skip Hotel Booking Checkout page, however, you may enable “Use Hotel Booking checkout endpoints instead of WooCommerce ones.” option under Accommodation ->Settings ->Payment Gateways ->WooCommerce tab – this will allow to avoid an additional step of filling in information on WooCommerce Checkout page. There may be not enough fields to fill in on Hotel Booking Checkout page, so you may consider our Checkout Fields add-on to edit existing and add more fields on Hotel Booking Checkout page.


    Ryan Labelle

    Thanks Andre, I’m assuming that this options would skip the WooCommerce checkout completely? So one could not use the WooCommerce Payment Extensions like Payment Gateways etc..? Or Extensions that add on to the WooCommerce checkout page?

    Thanks again.

    Andre Flores

    Hi, Ryan!

    Sorry for confusion, the option means that Hotel Booking Success and Failed pages will be displayed after the payment, and not the WooCommerce ones. This means that you will still need to go trough the WooCommerce checkout process after the Hotel Booking one.
    So far, the only option that may be helpful is hiding some fields on Hotel Booking Checkout page, so they are not duplicated during WooCommerce checkout process.


    Ryan Labelle

    Ah, k. That makes more sense. Yeah, having them remembered for WooCommerce checkout would be amazing.

    Andre Flores

    Hi, Ryan!

    Thank you for your suggestion. We will keep this in mind and if there are more similar requests from other users, we will consider adding this feature to one of plugin future updates.


    Ryan Labelle

    That’s great. Thank you.

    Andre Flores

    Hi, Ryan!

    You are always welcome!


    Thomas Kolnowski

    +1 for us here. We would like to use WooCommerce check-out due to the capability for recurring traveler account creation, but the extra steps needed by the traveler are problematic. It would be great if Hotel Booking allowed traveler account creation directly without having to use the overhead of WooComm.

    Thomas Kolnowski
    Digitized House Media, LLC

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