Multilingual and Hotel Booking

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  • #920183
    Julien BLANCHARD

    Is there a way to automatically translate the [mphb_checkout] page and the [mphb_search_results] page?

    My site is currently multilingual with the free plugin : Polylang.

    My site is available in English, French and German. I would like that when the user chooses German, for example, to access my site, that these two pages above are automatically translated by the current language.

    I had tried to make a version of the two pages in German and French while leaving the page configured in the plugin but unfortunately, this page doesn’t change, whatever the language .

    Could you please help me?

    J. Davis

    Hi Julien,

    Thank you for your question. Polylang free plugin is not supported at the moment since it does not redirect to the proper system page automatically. We recommend using WPML plugins in order to make site with Hotel Booking plugin multilingual.
    I’ve found they have an article to learn how to migrate from Polylang to WPML. Maybe it would be helpful.

    Best regards,
    J. Davis

    Julien BLANCHARD


    thank you for answering me.

    However I find that it’s starting to cost a lot to pay WPML $79 more knowing that I can bring the translations myself :/.

    And it’s just for 2 pages that it’s a problem… it’s a shame that there is no solution for this problem because I don’t think I’m the only one in this case.

    When can we expect a solution (if it’s planned)?

    Wishing you a pleasant evening,

    Andre Flores

    Hi, Julien!

    Thank you for getting back to us.

    Your request has been passed to our developers. If there are more similar requests from other users, we will definitely consider adding PolyLang compatibility in one of future plugin updates.

    If anyone else is interested, let us know by commenting in this topic.

    Best regards,



    I totally support this request.

    I’m not ready to spent the price of WPML to be able to show properly a couple of pages.

    Thank you.

    Mary Evans


    Thank you for your feedback. For now, Hotel Booking plugin has been successfully tested with WPML plugins only and we confirm its full compatibility. We recommend using WPML solution to make content added by Hotel Booking plugin multilingual. You can check the example of translated Villagio theme and Hotel Booking plugin at Villagio Preview here.
    Nevertheless, if anyone else has more requests on this issue, feel free to leave your ideas here, we’ll gladly consider them.

    Best Regards,
    M. Evans


    Ok thank you. Normally I set it up correctly (with brackets)… I generated a ticket.

    Andre Flores

    Hello, Guara!

    Thank you, we will assist you further via our Help Desk.



    Has the same problem as topic starter.

    Do you plan to add support for Polylang?

    Andre Flores

    Hello there!

    Thank you for your up-vote, it has been counted. Unfortunately, there is no exact information about adding compatibility with the Polylang plugin, however, the request is in our developers’ feature requests list. If there are more requests from other users, we will consider adding compatibility in one of the plugin future updates.


    Dominique Nicolle


    I bought this plugin, but I am facing a multilingual issue.

    I want to be able to book the same room in French and English. I don’t want to multiply the types of rooms, I just want to translate them.

    If I use polylang, I have two rooms and two types of rooms for real accommodation.
    It is difficult to have an overview of the reservations and not to have double reservations for the same room.

    Before purchasing WPML, I want to make sure that the issue with Polylang is not reproduced.

    Andre Flores

    Hello Dominique,
    Please note that the Hotel Booking plugin is not 100%-compatible with the Polylang, there are some essential issues, therefore, we only recommend using WPML in order to be able to achieve what you need.
    So far, there were no reports of any issues from users with WPML plugin.



    Ofcourse i support to use polylang.


    Polylang support is needed! It’s a shame that we have to pay $99 in order to translate 2 pages of the plugin.

    J. Davis


    Thanks for your feedback. We have added it to our list of features.

    best regards,
    J. Davis

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