Custom Booking Rules

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  • #537952


    When a creating a custom booking rule. Can we create a booking rule that will ONLY work on certain accommodation types? We don’t want this specific rule to work on ALL accommodation types.

    For example we have the following accommodation types.

    (A) 1 Studio – 1 Bath
    (B) 1 Bedroom – 1 Bath
    (C) 2 Bedroom – 1 Bath

    We want (A) 1 Studio – 1 Bath to be closed from July 4th – July 10th, 2017. But we want (B) 1 Bedroom – 1 Bath and (C) 2 Bedroom – 1 Bath to remain open during those dates.

    Is there a way to work around the Custom Booking Rules settings on the plugin?



    J. Davis

    Hi Orlando,

    At this moment you can add Global Booking Rules for all Accommodation Types. If you need to disable certain accommodation type you can book all its rooms for the required period by yourself to make them unavailable for your customers.
    Actually, Custom Booking Rules in our WordPress Booking plugin is one of the most important features we’d like to add. We’ll start work on it soon. Thank you for your interest and suggestions.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Oksana Shchyra.
    David Lourie

    Hi, we have created some booking rules in order to close some accomodations on specific dates.
    It works on our web site but there’s no synchronization on external calendar (booking for instance). And we still have bookings for there’s dates.

    Is it normal ?

    Thanks by advance

    Andre Flores

    Hi, David!

    In order to include accommodation blocks to exported iCal link you should make sure to enable the “Export admin blocks.” option under Accommodation ->Settings tab:


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