Checkout: Terms and Conditions and House Rules

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  • #884645
    Owen Fertel

    When guests book with me, they have to agree to House Rules about the property and the Terms and Conditions.
    I would like the option to have a second checkbox so that the House Rules and T&C can be separated.
    I would also like to have the House Rules box be visible before clicking on the link.
    Is this possible?
    Thank you.

    Anna Chupryna

    Hi Owen, there is no option to display more checkboxes, but it is possible to add that text before checkbox overriding templates of plugin only.

    Owen Fertel

    Ok, thank you for letting me know. How do I do that?

    J. Davis

    Hi Owen,

    You may use an example provided in this topic reply

    Edit Booking / Checkout form

    By the way our developers are finalizing the release of new addon which will let you edit checkout form disabling existing fields and adding new ones. Stay tuned not to miss the release of this extension.

    best regards,
    J. Davis

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