Allowing listing of a single property

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  • #1526237

    I think something similar has been raised like this before but I just wanted to clarify my exact request as such 🙂

    Possible feature request?

    Hi we run a holiday rental as 1 single unit, it has 3 bedrooms but we let it as 1 single unit no matter if its 1 guest or up to the maximum of 6 adults and 2 children.

    We allow;

    • 3 night stays – Friday>Monday
    • 4 night stays – Monday>Friday
    • 7 night stays – Friday>Friday

    These stays have different pricing for different times during the year and at certain times during the year we don’t allow certain stays during our peak times e.g we wouldn’t 3-night stays during the peak summer months as we get more bookings for 7 nights

    I think there is a major feature missing from your plugin here, we and many others like us run an Airbnb-style let, where we let the whole unit in this manner, the plugin is restricted as it doesn’t allow you to add a single unit, but expects it to be rooms within a Hotel, B&B etc. So whilst we’ve managed to get around this we are only able to add 7-night stays with the seasonal pricing required as once we start to add 3-night seasons and rates, this overrides the 7-night rates because you are unable to set multiple booking rules for the same property/room etc.

    Ideally, this is what we would like to be able to achieve.

    • 1 Accommodation – The House
    • 1 Fixed price rather than a per night price for each of the stay length e.g.
    • 3 nights = £499
    • 4 nights = £599
    • 7 nights = £899
    • easonal pricing that allows for adjustments or restrictions to these stays through the calendar year, e.g. to charge more at Easter, Summer Christmas etc, but also to restrict the total e.g. no 3 or 4-night stays at Christmas, only 7 nights.

    I don’t think this is much to ask, it’s quite a simple structure which the plugin currently makes very complicated for single-unit holiday lets.

    After purchasing the full membership and setting up the plugin it was disappointing to find this wasn’t available as it’s quite a standard practice now in the holiday let space.


    J. Davis

    Hi Sarah,

    Thanks for your question. This scenario is possible to configure using the Hotel Booking plugin. You can refer to my reply on another topic

    Here is the adjusted instruction for you:
    You will need to create 2 seasons for each period of time when the price is changed. Let’s imagine that you need to create such pricing for November 2023. Here are the steps you need to take:
    1. create 2 seasons:
    – weekdays – from November 1 to November 30 and select days from Monday to Thursday
    – weekends – from November 1 to November 30 and select days from Friday to Sunday
    2. Create a rate and add both seasons to the same rate setting different prices.
    3. Add variable prices for 4 and 7 nights to both season prices of this rate. The default per night price will applied for a 3-night stay by default.
    4. navigate to Bookings > Booking Rules and set proper check-in days for your seasons. You will need to set a minimum stay of 3 nights and a maximum stay if it is needed.

    Let me know if it is helpful.

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