Stripe – No such payment_intent

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  • #1022642
    Karl Jones


    I am getting the following error:

    No such payment_intent: ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx’; a similar object exists in live mode, but a test mode key was used to make this request.

    I’ve been contact with Stripe who are saying it is an issue with Hotel Bookings intergration. Therefore I was wondering if you could help?


    Karl Jones

    Okay – so it now went through but it went to the wrong landing page. Furthermore, I did not receive a booking confirmation as customer or admin. Please can you help?

    Andre Flores

    Hello Karl,

    There should be no issues with the Hotel Booking and Stripe integration since Stripe is used by multiple users without any issues.
    Kindly submit a request to our Help Desk providing a temporary access to WordPress dashboard, so we take a closer look at the issue.


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