Stop sales and calendars

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  • #767797
    Gabi Miguel Lda

    Hi again,

    A few days ago I asked if there was a possibility to add an external calendar to the site, but the answer I’ve got was to get an iCal and sync them between the sites. I don’t really want to sync the calendars. What I really need is to replace the hotel booking calendar by avaibook calendar.

    I’ve got an iFrame code and what I want is to replace the calendar that is shown in the picture by the iFrame one.

    I know there are multiple accommodations but there is no problem for me to replace each accommodation with a new calendar.

    So how can I replace the given calendar with that one <iframe src=”; style=”width: 650px; height: 390px; border: 0″ frameborder=0 allowtransparency=”allowtransparency”>Tu navegador no soporta iframes</iframe><div style=”width: 650px; margin: auto”>motor de reservas alojamento local</div>

    I can’t find anything in the Editor.

    Gabi Miguel Lda

    The main reason is that we cannot block dates anymore (doing Stop Sales). So we need a solution ASAP.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Gabi Miguel Lda.
    J. Davis

    Hello Gabi,

    You may remove the default calendar adding the line below to functions.php file of your theme (we recommend to activate Child theme not to loose this change in case of theme update):

    remove_action( 'mphb_render_single_room_type_metas', array( '\MPHB\Views\SingleRoomTypeView', 'renderCalendar' ), 40 );

    Then you will be able to add your iframe codes to the description of accommodation types to embed third party calendars. You will need switch editor to HTML mode to add iframe code.

    Actually you may block dates using Hotel Booking plugin via Dashboard>Booking>Booking Rules or adding new bookings at back-end manually.

    Best regards,
    J. Davis

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