Sort Admin Calendar Accommodation List

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  • #1511430
    Thomas Levack

    Is there a way to sort or rearrange the order of the accommodations list in the Admin Booking Calendar. I just want to change the accommodation type order. Client has 5 types showing

    1. Queen Suite x 10
    2. Hot Tub Cabins x 5
    3. Duplex Cabins x 4
    4. Kitchen Suites x 2
    5. Super Cabin x 1

    We want them to list in the admin calendar as:

    1. Super Cabin x 1
    2. Hot Tub Cabins x 5
    3. Duplex Cabins x 4
    4. Kitchen Suites x 2
    5. Queen Suite x 10


    eric Brabants

    Sorted by publication date

    J. Davis

    Hi Eric, Thanks for sorting this out.
    In order to change the order of the Accommodations you need to go to Accommodation > Accommodations and edit each post to assign the proper Order value.
    Or you can use a third-party plugin that allows users to change the order of any posts with drag-and-drop (Custom Post Type Order plugins).

    Thomas Levack

    Thanks J. I had tried changing that on the accommodation type but not the accommodations. DUH. Long night I guess LOL.


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