Issue with the Hotel Booking Reviews plugin

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  • #1165226
    Ian Hooper


    I have raised two support tickets regarding this now, one over a week ago and one today but still have not had a reply. I am hoping that the forum might get a quicker response.

    The Hotel Booking Reviews plugin is simply not working. It has been set up correctly with discussions open and comments allowed etc. We have also added rating types but both the reviews and reviews form does not appear on the accommodation pages. We have even tried to use the general shortcode but that doesn’t show anything either.

    Even when adding reviews manually in the backend, the rating types don’t appear even though they have been added.

    Please advise asap.

    Andre Flores

    Hello Ian,

    I have checked your ticket history and there are currently two open tickets: #41102 and #41112. The ticket #41102 is referred to ticket #41112, as the initial issue has been resolved already.
    There are no open tickets in our system raised under your email over a week ago, both open tickets were raised yesterday.
    We will take care of the issue you are facing with Reviews add-on and email you in ticket #41112, kindly expect a reply shortly.


    Rondmeer Hoeve Twente


    I do also have this problem. Can you tell me what is the solution?

    Thank you.

    Theo Jan

    J. Davis

    Hi Rondmeer,

    Thanks for your comment. Please submit a ticket to our support team so that we could take a closer look at the settings of your site.

    best regards,
    John Davis

    Desingh L
    This reply has been marked as private.
    J. Davis

    Hi, I’ve submitted a ticket for you. Please check it and send a reply.

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