Booklium: Responsive homepage slider

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  • #967666
    Ruxandra Ciuculescu

    Hi! Could you advise how to make the homepage slider images responsive? Thank you in advance

    Mary Evans

    Hello Ruxandra,

    The pictures are cropped for mobiles by default, that`s why they can become blurry.
    We recommend installing the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin that allows regenerating thumbnail sizes for pictures.
    Please, make sure to set up the plugin in order to regenerate thumbnails as it is recommended in the Screenshots sections and Installation tab here.

    Best Regards,
    M. Evans

    Ruxandra Ciuculescu

    Hi Mary
    Thank you for the response! I have followed the indications however I can’t notice any difference when it comes to the homepage slider images after using the plugin: screenshot homepage mobile view
    Please could you let me know the optimal image resolution for the slider images and step by step instructions to Regenerate Thumbnails? Or is there maybe an alternative to this plugin that I could try?

    Many thanks!

    Andre Flores

    Hello, Ruxandra!

    The original Booklium Homepage slider images dimensions are 1920×650 pixels. You may also try adding the following CSS code under Appearance ->Customize ->Additional CSS:

    @media (max-width: 991px) {
    .wp-block-getwid-section__background-slider-item img {
    	object-fit: contain;

    This should make the image displayed better on mobile devices. If the issue persists, feel free to submit a request to our Help Desk, providing your website URL and temporary access to your Dashboard.


    Ruxandra Ciuculescu

    Many thanks Andre! I think I can manage my way forward with this 🙂 Have a nice day,

    Andre Flores

    Hi, Ruxandra,

    You are most welcome 🙂


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