Remove the search form on Accomodation types pages

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  • #981726
    Mark Redford

    I have set up accommodation types and have restricted each one to certain minimum and maximum guest numbers through the use of attributes. My website search forms work fine for this by adding in my “guest” attribute to the search form shortcode, however, on each accommodation type page eg – an availability calendar and search form are outputted automatically below the text that I have created for each villa. This search form just has date inputs and when completed it returns all properties available regardless of guest numbers, which I don’t want as I need to add my guest attribute to the search form to control the search results.

    Therefore I need to remove this automatic inclusion of the search form on the accommodation types page – or add the ability to include my custom guest attribute in this search form – but removing the form would probably be easier.

    Is this possible?

    Andre Flores

    Hello, Mark!

    You may simply hide the search form on single accommodation pages by adding the following code under Appearance ->Customize ->Additional CSS:

    .single-mphb_room_type .mphb-booking-form {
    	display: none;


    Mark Redford

    Thanks Andre. This is is great!

    Andre Flores

    Hi, Mark!

    You are always welcome! How’s been your experience with the Booklium theme so far? It would be much appreciated if your leave your positive feedback about it in our Facebook Community.
    Thank you in advance.


    Mark Redford

    My experience with the booking plugin has been really good. I’m using it with a Studiopress theme but the plugin has integrated seamlessly with it, so overall very happy.
    Thanks, as always, for your help.

    Andre Flores

    Hi, Mark!

    Thank you for your kind words, it is much appreciated!


    Diana Roberts


    Is there a way to hide the search form on a particular accommodation?

    Andre Flores

    Hello Diana,

    Yes, you may hide specific accommodation search form via CSS, e.g. by adding the following code under Appearance ->Customize ->Additional CSS:

    #booking-form-777 {
    	display: none;

    Where “777” is the accommodation type ID. You may find the ID by navigating to Accommodation ->Accommodation Types tab and hovering the accommodation type in question.


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