Remove Image Link in Single Accommodation

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  • #1292558
    Mael Houck

    I am really interested to know how this is solved.

    In search result, I would like the featured image and gallery to display but I do not want the featured image to link to the accommodation’s page. I explore two different option.

    1.How might I remove the link using CSS?
    2.Can I specify a different URL?


    J. Davis

    Hi Mael,

    Thanks for contacting us. You may try to add the style below to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS in order to disable all the links for each accommodation type in the list of the search results:

    mphb_sc_search_results-wrapper a:not(.mphb-remove-from-reservation, .flex-next,.flex-prev){
    pointer-events: none;

    Let me know if it is helpful.

    best regards,
    J. Davis

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