Pricing Display Issue with Booklium Theme on Motopress

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Themes Booklium Pricing Display Issue with Booklium Theme on Motopress

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  • #1438972
    claude batchi

    I am a user of the Booklium theme from Motopress and I have a problem with the display of prices according to seasons. I would like that for a reservation made from Sunday to Thursday (including Monday to Thursday), the price of one night be 135 euros, for Fridays and Saturdays (including Friday to Saturday), the price be 150 euros per night, and for full weekends (including Friday to Sunday), the price be 125 euros per night for a total of 250 euros for the full weekend.

    However, the website always displays a price of 300 euros for a full weekend, which is not what I want.

    Can you help me configure the seasons and prices appropriately so that they display correctly on my website? I have tried to follow the documentation instructions, but I am not getting the desired result.

    Thank you in advance for your help.

    Best regards,

    Link to the site:

    J. Davis

    Hi Claude,

    Thanks for your question. You may follow this article to learn how to set different prices for weekdays and weekends
    After that, you may add a variable price for 7 nights following another article

    best regards,
    John Davis

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