Portfolio | Link picture to sites

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by J. Davis.
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  • #336462

    Hi Motopress Team,

    is it possible to link the pictures in the portfolio section to sites instead of posts in portfolio?
    I know that the section works with javascript and all pictures with links were genereated automatically from the posts create in portfolio but is there a workaround for my intention?
    Can i create this with Pro Version or is this also a “problem” innatly?

    My intention is because sites can be better customized with your Content Editor instead of posts (post are very limited to customized).

    An answer would be great.
    Thanks a lot.

    Best regards,

    J. Davis

    Hi Tim,

    There is no option to assign custom URL. You can try to install redirection plugin to redirect portfolio URL to any custom one.

    Best regards,

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