Payment Request Email to customer & admin not sent automatically

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  • #1135595
    Daniel Steinmann

    We just bought and installed the Hotel Booking Payment request plugin but it seems that payment request emails are not being sent automatically. We had to trigger it manually.

    – Automatic Emails / yes
    – Days before check in 30 / for check-in on July 3rd an email did not send until triggered manually on June 4th
    – email addresses entered are correct and there is no email sent failure in the log
    – Disable email notification / No. Which is also true for the particular booking where this is also set to “no”
    – license key is valid and active

    Thank you

    Andre Flores

    Hello Daniel,

    I would recommend that you install WP Crontrol plugin and check whether there are any issues with the cron job on your server under Tools ->Cron Events. If there are no warnings/errors there, check whether you have the mphb_cron_request_payments event scheduled in the list of events.
    If there is still no luck in defining what cases the issue, submit a request to our Help Desk providing temporary access to WordPress dashboard, so we take a closer look at it.


    Daniel Steinmann

    Hi Andre,

    Thank you! Seems there is no problem with the cron events and the event appears to be scheduled an has no errors. I will do as suggested and send the request to Help Desk.


    Andre Flores

    Thank you for cooperation, will wait for your request at the Help Desk

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