Orders are immediately cancelled upon payment processing error

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  • #1416445
    Susan B


    I am using the Luviana Theme (1.4.2) with the following plugins:
    > Hotel Booking Multi-Currency: by MotoPress – 1.2.2
    > Hotel Booking WooCommerce Payments: by MotoPress – 1.0.9
    > Hotel Booking Payment Request: by MotoPress – 1.1.9

    The odd behavior I’m noticing during checking out: when I intentionally enter incorrect payment information (e.g. wrong credit card zip code or wrong credit card expiration date) and attempt to submit payment, the system is immediately sending a booking cancelled email to the customer. I have confirmed that the booking status changes in the backend to cancelled. Then, if I proceed with payment, the system will allow me to checkout using the cancelled booking. Upon successful payment, the system sends an order complete email and booking confirmation email to the customer.

    The “Pending Payment Time” is set to 10 minutes.

    Website URL: https://pvr.rentals/

    J. Davis

    Hi Susan,

    Thanks for your question. The plugin allows the guest to make another attempt to confirm his booking if the first try was not successful. You may learn more about how the plugin works by reading this reply https://motopress.com/forums/topic/booking-with-status-pending-admin-when-payment-is-aborted/#post-1412615
    Feel free to ask any additional questions.

    best regards,
    John Davis

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