Option to book day trips or one day tours or single day bookings

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Plugins Hotel Booking Option to book day trips or one day tours or single day bookings

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    The only extra product besides accommodation that we do offer at our site https://chillisimo.de/en/ are day trips.

    Currently, the customer can choose two variants of our day trips as services, but after the booking one of our team has to contact our customers to agree on a date.

    Can we somehow add the possibility to book day trips with Hotel Booking? It will also need to use a calendar to show available dates and prevent overbooking.

    Mary Evans

    Hi Emanuel,

    It is not possible to add the booking system inside the Checkout page, in order to rent day trips.
    You may rent them separately from your apartments if needed. In this way, you would need to create day trips as accommodation types and rent them.
    In case you need your guests to purchase day trips on the Hotel Booking Checkout page when making a reservation, we can only offer you to create day trips as services.

    Best Regards,
    M. Evans


    Thanks a lot, we’ll try that.


    Hello, we have tried this but the result is not straightforward at all.
    We have created our day tour as accommodation type and created a maximum booking time rule with the lowest setting possible, 1 night.

    But on the booking page for our day tour, the guest has to choose “check-in date” and “check-out date” which would be really confusing, because the day trip will happen only on one day. The price breakdown will contain a price for “1 night”, it will be called “accommodation” which does not fit…

    So after all, this won’t work. We would need a simpler form, where the customer just clicks one day on the calendar, selects the number of persons and then can pay the price.

    We wish it could be done with Hotel Booking, but as it does not seem like it can, we’ll try out a simple Stripe Payments plugin.

    Maybe you can think about offering a widget to create flexible other types of bookings and payments with Hotel Booking – could be a day tour, museum trip, parking lot, sauna reservation, a private beach chair etc.

    Andre Flores

    Hello Emanuel,

    Yes, indeed you will need to select the checkout date, as currently the Hotel Booking offers overnight bookings only. Some of our users add a note to their guests, that in order to book a trip for specific date, they should select the next day as the checkout date.

    We will take your request into consideration and in case there are more similar requests from other users, we will consider adding this feature in one of the plugin future updates.



    Looking forward, and thank you.

    Andre Flores

    Hello Emanuel,

    You are most welcome. How’s been your experience with the Hotel Booking plugin so far? It would be much appreciated if you leave your positive feedback about it at: https://motopress.com/products/hotel-booking/#edd-reviews-respond.
    Thank you in advance!


    Brent Whistler

    I wanted to add my upvote for this: To either modify hotel bookings to just be for same day (or hourly) to accomodate hourly accomodations or tours or in my case doggy day care without overnight stay. This would allow your plugin to work for co-working spaces as well, I think.

    Alternative would be to modify appointments plugin to either allow for no employee (removing the max 1 booking restriction for a time slot) or allowing the employee to accept several bookings in same time slot.

    Or…. maybe this is sounding like your new fancy, sellable Events booking plugin that you could make with mostly borrowed code!

    tek ong


    I would like to request the addition of a “Day Trip Booking” feature to the Motopress Hotel Booking plugin. This would allow users to book single-day tours or activities alongside their hotel reservations. This feature is essential for our website, as it caters to travellers who wish to explore local attractions or experiences during their stay. Having the flexibility to offer both accommodation and day trip bookings within the same plugin would greatly enhance the user experience and make our website a one-stop solution for travellers.

    Thank you for considering this valuable addition to the plugin.

    Best regards

    J. Davis

    Hi, your upvotes have been added.

    Okita Takaharu

    Also an upvote from our side.
    We use the Campterra theme with the Hotel Booking plugin for a campsite where we also rent out several sites for day trip customers (checkin same as overnight customers but checkout in the evening). It would be therefore great if the users could choose between staying overnight or not for a certain accommodation, so that we can avoid double management of the same accommodation / site.

    J. Davis

    thanks for your feedback

    Tim Sutherland

    Hi all

    I too would like to add an upvote to this. I’m setting up a camping booking system which works great but the client also has hall hire (both overnight for events and casual for meetings). It’d be great to be able to choose check-in and check-out date as the same.

    Granted it’s no longer ‘hotel booking’ when you start offering same day accommodation, but may I suggest a setting that when ticked gives you options like these. This is great software and hopefully a natural progression to get more clients would be to introduce features such as these.

    The appointment booking plugin I’m sure piggy-backed on the code for the hotel booking plugin to become it’s own fully-fledged plugin. Maybe even if there was a way to use the functionality of that (somehow) with an accommodation type to create a new ‘day accommodation’ type whereby the booking calendar changes from days to hours within a day.

    Just throwing it out there 🙂 I’d be more than happy to help with Beta testing if that helps as I can see a market with my clients (and future clients) for this.

    J. Davis

    Hi Tim, Thank you for your feedback.

    Abraham K

    im wondering if its possible to use both, Hotel Booking, and Appointment Booking on the same site, this way users can book rooms plus times for breakfast etc. but everything will need to be linked somehow to the booking.

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