Not able to add target attribute to a link in the General text in footer.

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Themes Emmet Not able to add target attribute to a link in the General text in footer.

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  • #374244
    James B.

    In the General section in the Customizer, the “Designed and Powered…” text in footer area allows for me to add a link, but it strips away my target attribute “_blank” to open it in a new window. I have saved it several times, but it does not add it. Also when reopening the Customizer > General section the added code is not there anymore.

    Any suggestions?

    Thank you.

    James B.

    Sorry, I forgot to mention this is with the Emmet theme.

    J. Davis

    Hi James,

    I’ve added your request to our list of features. We’ll review it and probably it will be enabled in one of further versions of the theme. Thank you.

    Best regards,


    Hello John,
    I was able to leave that field blank and add my code to the footer.php file.


    J. Davis

    Hi James,

    Yes, you can do in such a way as a workaround. Make sure you edited the file in the Child Theme not to loose these changes after theme update.

    Best regards,

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