New Booking: Missing proper rate price

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  • #1388336
    Christopher Klein

    When creating a new booking with the mobile app you do not see the proper price that is adequate for the count of guests that you choose.

    Steps to reproduce:
    – Add booking
    – Search
    – Choose apartment (In the appartments subtitle you only see the BASE PRICE of the apartment, but not the adequate rate)
    – Click on continue
    – You can now enter the customer information and the final count of adults and children
    – But you don’t see the final price!

    It would be very helpful to see the real booking price dependent on the chosen guest count.
    Be it in the beginning when searching for the appartments or at least at the final booking page, where you finally determine the guest count.

    Chris Klein
    Modulseiten KLEIN

    J. Davis

    Hi Chris, Thanks for your feedback.

    Christopher Klein

    Any updates on this? For my customer this behavior is very exhausting.


    David, We have the same problem! Currently losing money on this and having very upset customers because the wrong price gets displayed, but charged correctly upon booking!

    We need a fix for this ASAP!


    +1 to Christopher Klein for opening this thread.
    I am interested too.

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