Mobile site not loading properly from Instagram link?

Free and Premium WordPress Plugins & Themes Forums WordPress Themes Villagio Mobile site not loading properly from Instagram link?

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Andre Flores.
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  • #979568
    Kerry Miller

    Hi, this is a weird one: when I click on my website link in my Instagram bio it goes to my homepage but it does not load properly. My header menu does not fully display – just a sliver of the logo can be seen in the top left. And the menu bar (three horizontal lines) can’t be seen at all. The menu bar is still clickable, but the average visitor would not know where to click. Screenshots here:

    This makes our website inaccessible because there are no links on the homepage to another other pages; the only way to reach another page on my site is via the menu bar.

    Any ideas? This is not happening just on my iPhone but also on my boss’s iPhone and some Instagram followers have mentioned it happened to them too – so it’s doubtful it has to do with Instagram updates, phone updates, etc.

    Andre Flores

    Hi, Kerry!

    The Instagram top bar overlaps your sticky mobile header, therefore, the logo and the hamburger menu is not visible. I would recommend that you try disabling sticky header for mobile resolutions, since it may cause issues while navigating through your website on mobile devices. If you check original Villagio theme in Instagram, you will find out the header is displayed fine and fully visible on mobile devices.


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