Mobile Checkout Display Issue…

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 12 months ago by Paul Byford.
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  • #1476824
    Paul Byford

    I am currently testing and almost ready to go live. Everything on desktop seems to work properly, but if I attempt to book on mobile, I can check availability which then goes to the checkout page. From there, the Pay By Card (Stripe) field does not display and presents a continuous spinning circle beside the total price. is the site and this seems to be the same problem regardless of which cabin is selected. Again, this is only an issue on mobile devices. I only have access an Apple Ipad and Iphone 14 and can confirm on the Ipad, checkout works correctly on Safari, but not in Chrome. On the Iphone, both browsers will not function.

    J. Davis

    Hi Paul,

    Thanks for contacting us. I’ve just checked your site and replicated the issue using a desktop device. Please make sure you have used proper test API keys in the plugin settings because it looks like you have enabled sandbox mode.
    You may also try to disable third-party plugins one by one and reload the checkout page to find the plugin that causes an issue.

    best regards,
    John Davis

    Paul Byford

    Thank you for the suggestions. I think I got it figured out.

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