Luviana general questions

  • This topic has 19 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Andre Flores.
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  • #949452
    prenesh naidoo

    Greetings, I purchased this theme purely because it contained the hotel booking plugin. I now see that the plugin is v3.71 while the plugin on your website is v3.8. This is disappointing as I am experiencing some challenges with the older version. please assist

    Please also assist me to change the default message that shows when a date is not available. This page says no accommodation found. Is there a way i suggest available days in this space instead of loosing the client cos the form is not user friendly?

    prenesh naidoo

    The property has a capacity of 10 total which is 6 adults and 4 kids over 6yrs. Kids over 6years old is full rate. how do i make kids show a value in the calculation?

    prenesh naidoo

    I have low medium and high seasons. when a user selects low and goes into medium seasons the engine throws out a no accommodation available message. It should calc the low days and prices + medium days and prices and provide a cost and show the booking?

    Mary Evans

    Hello Prenesh,

    1. Please, have a look at this article: Updates for Hotel Booking in a MotoPress rental theme

    2. You may rename the message with the LocoTranslate plugin and ask your clients to choose other dates. Here is a useful article: How to change text in MotoPress Hotel Booking plugin?

    3. You may specify the age of children (for example, “under 6 years old”) in Accommodation > Settings > Search Options > Age of Child
    After that, you may vary prices depending on number of adults and children (under 6 years old) in your Rates. Here is a video tutorial on how to vary prices.

    4. Please, note that a season should start the day the previous season ends.
    For example, if Season 1 has dates: April 1 – April 30, Season 2 should start from April 30 (not May 1).

    Best Regards,
    M. Evans

    prenesh naidoo
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Mary Evans

    Dear Prenesh,

    Please, change “Default editor for all users” to “Block Editor” (for now it is Classic Editor) under your dashboard > Settings > Writing.

    Best Regards,
    M. Evans

    prenesh naidoo

    does this mean I need to create the following

    1 adult + 1 child
    1 Adult + 2child
    1Adult + 3 child
    1 Adult + 4 child

    2adult + 2 Child?

    ..up to 6 adults???

    these combinations will go on for 6 adults. that’s alot of unnecessary work? Can i just specify a cost for additional kids or adults at R500 per extra person?

    this is very complicated and the logic is poor?

    prenesh naidoo

    am I supposed to create 29 variations of 6 adults and 4 kids?

    pleas help as I have many seasons and this is crazy amount of manual costings

    prenesh naidoo

    /////4. Please, note that a season should start the day the previous season ends.
    For example, if Season 1 has dates: April 1 – April 30, Season 2 should start from April 30 (not May 1).

    this does not work as the below query should equate to R2800 not R2400. Low season runs from 01June to 31Aug (Ive included 31July)

    pleas view here:

    Mary Evans

    Hello Prenesh,

    3. In case you have different price variations for 1 adult + 1 child, 1 Adult + 2child, 1 Adult + 3 child, 1 Adult + 4 child etc. within accommodation type capacity, yes, you would need to specify different prices for every adult + child variation.

    4. Sorry for a misunderstanding, following the provided before example, the season should start from May 1, otherwise the price of the new season is superimposed on April 30.

    Best Regards,
    M. Evans

    prenesh naidoo

    hi, guys, I’m really struggling with this component for hotel booking. My screenshot attached will show you that I have 8 seasons for 2020.

    1. Calendar year prices
    How do I duplicate this for 2021? it really took me forever to configure 2020, now the search results for 2021 is not returning anything? must I go through this entire process again for each year as guests usually book a year in advance in most cases?

    2. editing prices on the frontend
    Is there a front end editor that the owner of the site can log in and administrator their prices for more control?

    3. Returned statement when days are not available
    If the page shows there is no available bookings for specific days, how do I show a calendar with next available days so I don’t lose the customer because the statement currently doesnot offer any help of other choices?

    4.Variable pricing rates
    If I have 6 adults and 4 kids pax and the base price for 1 or 2 adults is R1900, how do I add R300 extra per adult or kid without manually doing 30 variations with R300 increments?

    5. Seasons
    How do I create one season like Mid-Season and have multiple starts and end dates? We have mid-seasons in Jan to Feb then again from August to December?

    This component is extremely outdated now, when will luvinia provide updated plugin support for hotel booking? It is very frustrating

    prenesh naidoo

    image scaling edges
    Please see attached screenshot take on Microsoft edge, the images used on the website appear pixelated especially the. bath images where the lines look jagged instead of straight.

    this has something to with image scaling in internet explorer. How do I get the images to preview correctly in MS Edge?

    I tried using this CSS trick without any luck
    img { -ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic; }

    Please hekp

    Andre Flores

    Hi, Prenesh!

    Unfortunately, no screenshots were provided in your post.

    1). The automatic seasons extension or their duplicating is currently unavailable within default Hotel Booking functionality. However, we do have such a feature request, in case there are more requests from other users regarding this matter, we will consider adding it to one of plugin future updates.

    2). Prices can be controlled via Rates only, there is no option to do that in other way so far.

    3). I would recommend using availability calendar shortcode, so your Guests could see dates, available for specific accommodation type, e.g.:

    [mphb_availability_calendar id="999" monthstoshow="2,3"]

    You may use the shortcode on search results page to show availability calendar for a single or several accommodations there.

    4). Currently there is no automatic calculation available within Rates, you will need to set prices for different variations of children/adults manually.

    5). You may create several seasons and configure different rates for them. For example, you may have one Main season, and two mid-seasons – Jan-Feb and Aug-Dec. What you should make sure to do is to place the mid-season rates above the main season, so they get higher priority:

    Please note, that Hotel Booking plugin, built in the theme, is updated along with the theme only. It takes some time for our developers to update the theme, therefore, the plugin update in the theme may also take some time. You may always get the plugin license separately in order to receive its updates regardless of the theme version.

    As for image scaling issue, kindly submit a request to our Help Desk, so we take a closer look at it.


    prenesh naidoo

    Hi Andre,

    can i at least categorise the seasons and rates according to the year?

    its a big mess

    prenesh naidoo

    3: [mphb_availability_calendar id=”999″ monthstoshow=”2,3″]

    does not work, I’ve tried adding it using loco translate on the search results page and it didn’t work

    perhaps I’m missing something

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