Languages in header

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  • #758862
    Sonia Sandonà

    how do I set the languages ​​divided in the header?


    my header

    • This topic was modified 6 years ago by Sonia Sandonà.
    J. Davis

    Hello Sonia,

    You can and translate content of your website to different languages and make it multilingual using WPML plugins.

    best regards,
    J. Davis

    Frederik Straucher

    Hi there,

    I know it’s an old thread but I don’t get it too.

    How am I able to modify the menu of WPML translation?

    I deactivated the menus in WPML but it still shows the name of languages without dropdown.
    When I create a custom language switch I have to choose the menu where to add.
    I’m not able to use the right side of the social menu.

    Any Ideas?


    Andre Flores

    Hello Frederik,

    Kindly submit a request to our Help Desk providing your website URL and temporary access to WordPress dashboard, so we take a closer look at it.


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