increase of Booking ID’s

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  • #1432204
    Wahyudi Vermeulen

    I was wondering why there is no logical order in the increase of the booking ID’s. Normally I would expect something like 1,2,3,4,etc. What I see in my system is something like: 1635, 1638, 1644, 1648, 1688, etc.

    To me it seems like there will be a reservation on a booking ID at one moment in the reservation process but I like to know where that is. And in order to that, would it be nice if Hotel Booking is deleting the ID’s that not contain a valid reservation? I think database wise you have a clean table with no empty rows.

    J. Davis


    Every WordPress post of any post type has its unique ID and this fact does not depend on the Hotel Booking plugin, but on WordPress in general. Since any post, page, accommodation, payment, or booking is a post in the database, there is a unique sequential ID applied among all these post types. So, booking IDs can not be sequential and they cannot be edited for now.
    We have such a request in our list of features so I’ve added your upvote to this task. We will notify you if we have any news.

    best regards,
    John Davis

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