Horizontal Search Form on Room Page

  • This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Manoj.
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  • #695107


    We wish to make the Availability Form appears on bottom side of Room (Accommodation Type) horizontal. We came across the CSS from another topic here but we have one more Room specific availability on the same page using the shortcode. So please guide us, how to assign a class to the bottom availability form in room type template?

    We have already copy pasted the required files to our theme folder as explained by your team.

    Also tell us how to remove any specific area (for example availability calendar or availability form) from the room type template.

    Thanks and Regards


    J. Davis


    Yes you can refer to this topic but replace .custom-form-horizontal-layout with .single-mphb_room_type in order to edit form style on accommodation type page.

    best regards,



    Thank you for the update, now we have enabled Skip Search Results option and we get another booking form on the single accommodation type pages. The class we noticed is .mphb-booking-form, but when we style this class, another form made by using the shortcode, on the same page, also gets changes. Please tell us, how can we style only the default form independently.

    Thanks and Regards

    Manoj KB

    J. Davis

    Hi Manoj,

    I’m sorry but I need some examples of your current forms in order to clearly understand which form is default and which one is custom. Please email us sending pages, screenshots, examples to explain what form style you’d like to modify and what form to leave as it is. Thank you.

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