Has anyone successfully created Multi Vendor?

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  • #1324552
    Nathaniel Fraley

    Im looking to see if anyone has created a site which includes multi vendor availability? Only way I see to do this currently is create sub domains for different RV Parks so they can process credit cards separately. Has anyone tried doing this?

    Alex M

    What are your requirements? WordPress Multisite probably will help.

    Nathaniel Fraley

    Im trying to have more than one RV park utilities our website and they all have processing separately. Would be nice to have this and all the search results were on one website and customers can book at one place

    Alex M

    all the search results were on one website and customers can book at one place

    WordPress Multisite won’t work in this case. There is no common search form across all of sub-domains.

    Shelley Montreuil

    We are actually currently building a site like this and it is based on a multisite environment but it also requires some custom coding.


    @Shelley can you share some plugins or developing tips you discover during your multi-vendor site with motopress?

    Is Motopress developing something to allow Multi Vendor? Or have any idea how to develope?


    J. Davis

    Hi Ricard,
    We did not plan to add muli-vendor functionality for now. We will update this topic when we have any news on this.


    Hi J.
    Can you recommend us any plugin alternative or subdomain structure?

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