Guest cannot register email adres

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  • #1282291
    Andre Mulder


    I’m finishing on my new website and I have setup Booking Plugin. All seemed to work fine, however I cannot add a guest email address.

    I’ve also selected that the full address details are required for the booking, however this is not asked for.

    I do see ‘Your Information’ but no option to enter.

    I’m using the booking plugin with Elementor, I haven’t updated Elementor yet to 3.5.0 as there might be a compatibility issue.

    When I complete the reservation, I don’t get the option to pay. I go straight to the confirmation that an email is send. I’ve set that guest needs to confirm, however he can’t as there is no email entered…

    What am I doing wrong?

    Thanx for your help and support

    J. Davis

    Hi Andre,

    Thanks for contacting us. Could you please specify what exactly Confirmation Mode you have selected at Accommodation > Settings? Make sure that there is selected a page with shortcode [mphb_checkout] at Accommodation > Settings > Checkout Page.
    Do you use any addon like Checkout Fields Editor? Could you please provide the site URL you need assistance with?

    best regards,
    J. Davis

    Andre Mulder

    Hi J.

    I have payment mode selected, guests will be offered to pay in order to book. Now as I wanted to get things resolved I have started disabling plugins, and found that the issue has been with the Checkout Fields Editor! After disabling it, I found that guests can enter the details neeeded and emails can be send to them (as they can enter their email address..).

    So the issue is with the Checkout Fields Editor, however finding the cause does not resolve. The CFE plugin isn’t created without purpose so need to figure out why it is not working.

    My site URL is

    Btw what I do find is that some text is not translated, the site is Dutch but I get things like ‘Register…’ or ‘Invoice’ etc. So that’ll be on my list to fix somehow as it needs to be translated.


    J. Davis

    Hi Andre,

    Thanks for your reply. Could you please try to re-install the Checkout Fields Editor addon and activate it again? Note: you do not need to remove the Email field from the checkout form using this addon.
    As for translations so all translations are editable. You may use plugin Loco Translate in order to edit translations of the Hotel Booking plugin and its addons right in your dashboard.

    best regards,
    J. Davis

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