Fees by payment gateway

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  • #1439759
    Nicole Paton


    I have come across something which I thought would be stock standard functionality however it seems that is not the case…

    I cannot charge a fee (under fees and taxes) depending on which Payment Gateway they choose.

    Eg. Direct deposit has no fees meanwhile paying via Stripe we have to oncharge the 1.75% fee which stripe charges us.

    Can this functionality please be added as it’s kind of critical?

    How does everyone else deal with charging a fee to pay by credit card (credit card surcharge) if fees can only be assigned to certain rooms and not certain payment gateways?

    Please don’t suggest that we don’t charge a credit card surcharge at all. That would be my preference (I personally hate them) but I am not the person who makes that call.



    Mickael Quirin

    Unfortunately you can’t at the moment.
    The only solution I see right now is to use woocommerce to handle the payment (they provide a way to add such fees).
    The downside is that:
    1 motopress will not be aware of thoses fees (not showed in the motopress invoice but showed on the woocommerce invoice) neither the exact payment gateway (only woocommerce will be shown in motopress).
    2. price will change between motopress checkout page and woocommerce checkout page.

    Nicole Paton

    Hi Mickael,

    Thanks very much for your response and suggestions.

    I had thought of and tested this workaround myself however it had a number of limitations so I decided it was not really ideal.

    I actually first thought of using woocommerce for a workaround to a slightly different but related issue I was having with fees and taxes where a 100% off discount coupon does not remove the fees. I needed it to be totally free when using the coupon. WooCommerce can do this but not Motopress Hotel Bookings.

    Unfortunately using WooCommerce as the payment gateway has other issues which make it inferior from a user experience perspective.

    As such it would be great if these limitations could be ironed out in Motopress.

    Mickael Quirin

    To bypass that, you can eventually use a coupon system with woocommerce and not with motopress, you remove the coupon field in motopress checkout form and activate it in the woocommerce one.

    Nicole Paton

    Yes, that is exactly the workaround I devised, however I don’t like using the WooCommerce checkout for Motopress as it’s an extra page / stage in the customer checkout experience and it has other issues like sessions with an accommodation product left in the cart so you can’t buy anything else and not all payment methods updating the booking to confirmed upon payment.

    J. Davis

    Hi Nicole,

    Thanks for your feedback. We have such a task in our list of features so I’ve added your upvote. We will update this topic once we have any news.

    best regards,
    John Davis

    Maurice Couwenberg

    upvote for this funcionality, the earlier implemented the better.

    J. Davis

    Thanks for your feedback.

    Steve Goodlass

    This is definitely a feature that we need as well please

    Maurice Couwenberg

    i fully agree, please note an upvote for me also

    J. Davis

    Thanks for your upvotes

    Tim Sutherland

    Upvote from me too please. This definitely is the norm now in Australia at least and how a lot of websites handle it is to charge a flat fee (which I’m sure is more than they get charged by their merchant). Ticketek and some of the larger Cinemas in Australia are prime examples.

    I’ve outlined the solution below (please read in entirety) which someone could either use to write an extension or hopefully this could be added to an already great product. This solutions calculates exactly how much the vendor will be charged, so that the customer pays this fee (no more and no less).

    I’m happy to test if anyone has the time to code something 🙂

    Stripe shows the calculation required here: https://support.stripe.com/questions/passing-the-stripe-fee-on-to-customers however this involves combining a fixed fee onto the initial cost and then dividing that new total to get the fee that needs to be added onto the initial cost to get the new cost.

    My breakdown (feel free to check my logic) is below:

    In Australia:
    – get your total being charged, add on $0.30 (stripe’s flat fee charged for transactions), this is the same for both domestic and international cards

    – then divide this new total by 1-1.7% (for domestic credit cards)
    – then divide this new total by 1-3.5% (for international credit cards)

    This gets the total fee that the customer should pay including stripe fees in order for the vendor to receive the full payment (i.e. user pays for the processing fees).

    What you would need to add to the fees page in hotel bookings is a new option on the fees dropdown for “mixed rate”.

    When selected, there would need to be three amount fields:
    – One field for flat fee (can use existing)
    – One field (NEW) for percentage charge (domestic)
    – One field (NEW) for percentage charge (international)

    There would need to be additional logic added around domestic vs international cards to check whether the card is international and whether there has been an international rate entered. This would then determine which of the percentage charges are used (obviously checking first if the system is wanting to charge different for international (leave blank for ignore would be my suggestion).

    For Stripe (and I believe PayPal), the calculation from there would be the same, just using different rates.

    For the example of someone paying $50 using Stripe as the payment gateway, they should be charged at checkout:

    flat fee $0.30, percentage fee 1.7% (domestic card)

    50.30 / (1 – 1.7%) = 50.30 / 0.983

    = $51.17 (rounded to nearest cent)

    Checking the working (as all good mathematicians should do), if Stripe receives a payment of $51.17, then it deducts 1.7% + 0.30

    so $51.17 would be charged $0.87 + $0.30

    = $1.17

    Customer pays $1.17 in fees and business keeps the $50 originally charged.

    Hope this helps someone or gives the MotoPress team less working out so that it can be included in a future build.

    Pedro van der Werf

    We need this feature. So upvote from me

    J. Davis

    Thank you for your feedback

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